Recycle ⭐

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♻️ Does this symbol mean anything to you?

That is the recycling symbol, and it means that bottles, cans, and other things can be reused to make new things. If you put your plastic water bottles into a recycling can, you have helped stop plastic pollution. Instead of the water bottle floating in the sea, it is made into something else.

You could've even saved someone's life.

Who knows?

Maybe, if you hadn't recycled your water bottle, a fish could've eaten it and died. And what if a human ate the fish and got sick?

There are endless possibilities of what could happen. But if you recycle a plastic bottle - just one plastic bottle - you could be saving our changing someone's life.

Even though this chapter is mainly on recycling, I want to bring you two something that's also very important - compost. Apple cores, banana peels, and paper towels (I'm not sure if all of them are compostable. The ones at my house are), and anything that can be left out in the wild and can turn back into soil is compostable. 

Why can't you just throw them into the trashcan? You'd have less bins and then the trash'll go out into the landfill. Birds can go to the landfill and find your apple core. Then, they could eat it. 

Unfortunately, that isn't the case. For awhile, I was wondering the same thing. Still, I threw my apple cores and banana peels into the compost because it must be there for a reason.

And here's the reason: 

When things that are biodegradable degrade in a landfill, they emit a greenhouse gas worse than Co2. (Yes, worse. There is something worse than Co2). This causes the earth to heat up. Not only does composting create soil that makes way to grow knew trees, it also makes sure that your apple core won't land in a landfill.

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