Other ways Global Warming is Created

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The chapter before this one (What is Causing Global Warming), is about the main reason global warming exists, cars. This chapter is about other things that might seem small at first - but then build up to create global warming.

So first, global warming needs explaining. If you already know what global warming is, you can skip this paragraph, or you can just read it anyway. Global warming is when greenhouse gases - such as Co2 - warm up the earth, thus creating global warming.

So, global warming is also created by...

Power plants.

Well, some powerplants emit Co2. Other, such as hydroelectric, wind, and solar don't. (Solar isn't really a power plant, but you can attach solar panels onto the roof of your house, and it'll create energy by harnessing the sun's light.

Global warming is also created by forest fires, or just fires in general. Fires emit Co2 (also known as carbon dioxide). Forest fires are even worse, because on top of emitting Co2, they also kill trees. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen (what we breathe).

Also, what emits Co2 is humans. Yes, humans and many other animals breathe out Co2. Humans emit less Co2 than cars do, though.

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