Chapter four.

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"Hello baby girl."

The husky voice left shivers running down my back. I spun around and was shocked. The person standing Infront of me was easily the most attractive person I've ever seen. He had eyes the color of the pine trees in winter, and red lips that were begging to be kissed over and over. He was lean and tall, easily towering over my height of 5'7. I could tell he was muscular by the way his body seemed to strain against his tight black jeans and white shirt. A bandana of the American flag held back his head of untamed brown curls. And to top it all off, when the bastard smirked at me, he revealed he had dimples bigger than my future. He looked about 20, maybe Even my age. But, I knew he had to be older than that.

He started to chuckle at me, and I turned red realizing that I had been basically drooling over him for the past couple of minutes like an idiot.

"How about we go sit and talk, yeah?" his angelic voice ran in my ears, and I knew later tonight it would reappear to haunt me in my dreams.

I nodded, not trusting my voice. He led us over to an old wooden bench a couple feet away, and started the conversation.

"How about I tell you a little bit about myself"

I simply nodded, but he didn't seemed pleased with that.

"Words darling, use your voice. You don't want a punishment on our first day together, do you?"

"Y-yes I would like to hear about you" I spoke uneasily, of course I had to fucking stutter.

He smiled and nodded, finally content with my response.

"Well, my name is Harry Styles, but you will only address me as daddy. I am 25 years old, and the CEO of Styles Enterprise (A/N cheesy ik lol just go with it), a very successful company if you didn't know. I am also very infatuated with you. I don't know why or how, but you have drawn my attention. I have been waiting some time to be with you, and I'm so happy I've finally had the chance to introduce myself to you baby girl."

Well shit. I knew of his company, hell everyone did. It was the biggest enterprise in all of the US, yet I failed to recognize this man as the CEO. Maybe it was the fact that he looked way to young to be the CEO of a billion dollar company, but what did I know. besides the fact that he was overly rich, he also happened to be interested in me, unlike every other person on this earth. I guess you could say it was my lucky day.

I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts by Harry, or should I say "daddy", speaking to me.

"So darling, please enlighten me with your thoughts, you seem to have a lot."

(A/N I tried to comment back to people that commented on my last chapter but wattpad wouldn't let me:/// keep giving feedback though lol I love to see your guys thoughts on my story:))

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