❄Part 4 Season 2❄

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"Well hello lovebirds~"

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" I didn't finish my sentence when a knife went right pass me,good thing it didn't hit me

"Oops sorry,just my reflex but, next time you say that again and I'll make sure that knife hits your throat Jay" Y/n threw the knife? Brr, Remind me to never make her mad or else I'd be dead meat

"YES MA'AM I'M SORRY" Y/n takes the knife that was stuck on the wall and goes back to her place


I was cutting the vegetables when suddenly i felt a pair of hands snake their way around my waist. Of course i knew it was Sunghoon but i was still surprised

He's really doing this? Oh my god what should i do, should i turn around? But he's way close too me,what if we accidentally ki- NO Y/N STOP WITH THESE THOUGHTS

"Sunghoon, Jay's coming back any second, might wanna let go" I swear i tried my best not to stutter. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous around this man,the Park Sunghoon

"What if i don't want to? I never want to let you go, forever" I swear it'd be a lie if i said that didn't affect me

My heart started beating faster than ever,gosh Park Sunghoon you really are something else

I was about to speak again when i heard Jay "Well hello lovebirds~"

I threw a knife out of reflex,i know I'm weird don't judge. Luckily it didn't hit Sunghoon nor Jay,we do not want to have a bloody night tonight

"Do you need help with anything else Jay?" I finished cutting the vegetables and now i don't know what to do

"Hm no it's okay,you can go, I'll do the rest" I nodded and went to the living room to see only Sunghoon sitting there looking at his phone

"Sunghoon? Where's the rest of the members?" I walked to the couch and sat next to him

"Oh they said they wanted to buy drinks or something,maybe snacks, we're having movie night after dinner,wanna join?" Should i? But it'll be pretty late tho,meh going home a bit late won't be such a bad thing

"Uh sure, I'll stay" I felt Sunghoon scooted closer to me and hold my cold hand

"It's cold,why didn't you bring your jacket?" He looked at me with hearts in his eyes,gosh I'm melting

"I- uhm..." Then,his face got closer to mine. He smirked when he saw i was blushing

"What? You purposely 'forgot' your jacket so we can cuddle to warm up?" I- i never even thought of that,this man is just trying to tease me

"N-no? I didn't think it'd be this cold" STUPID! WHY DID YOU STUTTER

"Uh huh sure,lend me your lap for a second" My body stiffened when i felt Sunghoon's head on my lap

His body felt warm...god i can't with this man, he's really something else

"U-uhm S-sunghoon" He looked up at me lovingly and stared at me

"S-stop staring" I turned my head away to avoid his stare

"Y/n..." "What?" I said, still avoiding his stares but he gently grab my jaw and turned it to face him

"Now this is a better view" I scoffed and looked back at him "Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?" He showed his teasing smirk "That! Tease me,make me blush,making my heart melt" Wow did i really just said that,Y/n you're shameless

[✔️] Again and Again - ENHYPEN Park Sunghoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now