❄Part 17❄

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It is now 2 AM and the the I-landers finally get to go to sleep. While Y/n, stays at the practice room with her manager

"Aren't you gonna go to sleep Y/n?" Her manager asks, concerned for the girl. It's obvious that she's actually sleepy, her eyes probably won't stay open for another hour

"Tomorrow is the recording time and I didn't practiced enough"

"You've been practicing for hours, don't overwork yourself Y/n"

She smiled reassuringly and said "I'm fine, I really need this collaboration to be the best everyone has ever seen"

"Want me to stay?" He offers

"No thanks, I know you're tired so you should just go"

"Y/n if you're tired just tell me, we can postpone or cancel a few schedules" She shook her head and once again convinced him that she was alright

"If you say so,I'll get going"

"Bye! Oh yeah, tomorrow is Thursday right?"

"You're going to see your aunt right? Better get enough rest, don't wanna look bad" She nodded adn wave goodbye to him

Y/n's manager left the room and now Y/n is alone. Wasting no time, she warms up and starts singing the song. And again, a perfect voice fills the room. Y/n singing as if it's her last time


On the other side, Sunghoon is watching from outside the practice room. Admiring her angelic voice and beautiful features. Her long dark hair, small waist (can't relate tbh💔), tall body, soft hands. The smell of her hair that he loves, the small waist he wants to hold, her tall body that's still shorter than him-, the soft hands he wants to hold forever

"Why is she so perfect" He said underneath his breath, unknowingly smiling

"Sunghoon I know you're there" He panicked and tried to run away but instead his head bumped the wall. He groaned in pain and heard Y/n chuckle

"I can hear you very clearly Sunghoon"

"Ignore what I said please" He said and hid his face. She giggles and nods. She pats the space next to her, welcoming Sunghoon to sit next to her

"Do you think it's bad? the song"

"Of course not! I like it, your voice fits it" He encouraged

"Really? I don't think it's good enough"

"What are you saying? It's amazing!" He said, insisting and trying to encourage her

"Sunghoon, this is off topic but can I ask?" He tilted his head in confusion and nodded

"Why do you like me? We don't know each other that much"

He chuckles and said, "Seriously, Y/n?" She stared at him, looking clueless

"I could list a thousand reasons"

"Just give me a few"

"You're cute, tall for your age, body goals, pretty.."

"That's it? Just cause of my features?" Deep inside, she felt a bit disappointed. Unsure whether to be happy or sad

"I wasn't finished Y/n, you may seem cold outside but I know you have the kindest heart ever. You work hard to reach your dreams, you're responsible, trustworthy, you put others before yourself"

"And what if that's all fake?"

"You have that sincere look in your eye, Y/n and I know you hate liars and lying"

[✔️] Again and Again - ENHYPEN Park Sunghoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now