❄Part 3 Season 2❄

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Now here we are sitting together eating Tteobokki after we bumped into each other. Her eyes are puffed,she must've cried a lot

"So what brings you here?" I asked her trying to break the awkwardness between us

"I was just taking a walk to calm myself" Her tone doesn't really sound like the Haneul i knew,it was weaker and...more emotionless

"Sorry to ask..have you been crying a lot lately?" I carefully ask her,afraid she'd breakdown here and now

"Haha yeah,things are...tough right now but i see you're happier now are you?" Am i happier now? I don't know,i guess so?

"Kinda,you good tho?" She smiled weakly and simply shook her head,tears slowly dropping

"My dad died Y/n..." My eyes widened,i know that to her,her dad is the love of her life,her sunshine,her source of happiness but now,it's gone

"Wow...i uhm I'm really sorry to hear that" I don't know how to cheer her up...will a hug work? I scooted next to her and hugged her and she hugged me back,silently crying on my shoulder

I just patted her back,i don't really know what to say... "Shush...it's okay...he's in a better place now..he's still in your heart right? He never really left you"

I just said what i usually say to myself when i think of my mom...it helps me a bit

"I know how it feels like losing someone you love,it's like your whole world just crumbles apart,like you just lost everything,feeling guilty somehow,feeling like you didn't loved them enough but you know,in the end those will just be thoughts,cause you know they're gone and happy somewhere else. It's okay to cry,just don't drown in your sadness,you don't want your dad to see you sad right?"

She nods calming down "Haha yeah,thanks Y/n" She pulls away from the hug and wipes her tears away "I have to go now,my younger siblings are probably waiting,thanks for the food and talk Y/n,good luck with Sunghoon and your career" She smiles warmly and leaves the place

Meanwhile me,upon hearing Sunghoon's name made me...i don't know the feeling,flutter?Well,maybe not all chances are gone...i can wait a few more years right? But can he?

I got up from my seat and left the place. Now on my way to the dorm,the snow started falling. Hm...would've been nice if i spent the first snow with Sunghoon

I arrive at my dorm and find a box on my table. Was it my manager? But he's on holiday with his wife,then who's this from?

I opened the huge box and found a puppy in there. "What the- who's puppy is this. Hey sweetie what's your name?" I picked her up and saw her name on her collar 'Winter'

"Hey Winter,who brought you here?" I talked to her,as if she's gonna talk back

I put her back in the box and saw a note,picked it up and read it

"Hey Y/n,uhm...it's been a long time since i last wrote a letter to you,maybe...when i gave you your necklace?"

Necklace? Is this from Sunghoon?

"I just wanted you to know i really really love you,you're the first. I never really look at girls,i find relationships like that are uninteresting but when i met you,there was this feeling...that i wanted to make you mine like my heart was telling me 'That's it,that's the one for you Sunghoon' and..i never regretted listening to my heart. After i got to know you a little,i didn't just think you're the one,i knew that you're the one. And now? It doesn't change Y/n,it never has and it never will. It hurted when you said we're just friends but i understand,maybe we weren't meant for each other or maybe we are,we just can't be together but either way,please Y/n...just let me be the only guy who loves you,just me and no one else,especially that Haruto guy,big no no. I'll wait Y/n,for as long as it takes. My eyes will be on you,my heart will only be for you and no one else,tell me when you're ready to be official but in the meantime,here's a puppy for you,i named her Winter,cute right? So you'll always remember your Ice Prince

[✔️] Again and Again - ENHYPEN Park Sunghoon FFWhere stories live. Discover now