Drive My Car

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The conversation wasn't easy to say the least.

"You've truly lost your mind young lady!" My mother scowled. "I can't even fathom the things you've done- I can hardly wrap my head around the mess you've created! When you get home, you'll be on lockdown, understand? You'll be lucky to even get a peek at the outside world!"

"I'm not coming home." I said.

She doubled back. "And just what other option do you think you have? Are you seriously considering staying in this dump? What happens when he gets tired of you? Are you going to live out on the streets then? What about church? What about getting prepared for college?"

"I've decided that I won't be going to St. Mary's. I'm going to apply to Imperial when the next semester comes around." I replied. "Brian and I are going to get a place together."

Her head looked as though it would fly off of her shoulders and zip around like an open balloon. I leaned myself against the wall and zoned out as she began to scream a response. I only caught a few a few snippets here and there-

"... Should be institutionalized... let a deviant boy come before your future... brain dead decisions... smoking marijuana... legs wide open for just about anyone... path to hell..." She ranted on and on. None of her words were important to me. When she noticed I wasn't absorbing anything she was saying, she stalked over to me, waiving a pointed finger at my face.

"I wont allow any more of this! I'll be calling the police over to escort you home! Hell, I'll even put bars on your window and a lock on the door if that's what it'll take! You're done with this nonsense. Do you understand? I'm not letting you destroy your life!"

Brian crossed his arms. "Call the police if you want. Maybe we can tell them about how you hit your daughter in the face yesterday."

My father's eyes widened- he didn't know about that.

My mother's face turned an ugly shade of red. "And perhaps they can search this place for drugs!" She flamed at me. "What are you going to do when your little boyfriend is in prison, huh? Sneak into the jail cell?"

Brian laughed. "I don't do drugs. I've never touched a drug a day in my life."

She ignored him, grabbing me by the wrist and digging her nails in. "Get whatever things you brought here together. We're going. Now." She hissed.

I ripped my arm from her grasp, and her head did a slow, disbelieving rotation as she watched me walk over to Brian's side. She then started to cry- some garbled words about how it was the greatest mistake to allow us to be together.

"If you do this-" my father spoke up. "If you go off with him and choose this path- we don't be there when you fall, understand?"

I nodded, sinking my teeth into my lip to distract myself from the growing pain in my chest. I was determined not to tear up. I needed to stay strong.

"We can't just give up on her, Daniel!" My mother screeched. No one paid her any attention.

"You'll be on your own." My dad warned. "If you choose to come home today, you'll have a roof over your head and all the help and love you'll need to be successful. You have to choose between that and this- and this simply isn't something your mother and I are willing to stand behind."

"Daniel!" My mother cried.

"So which is it Nancy?" My father asked. Brian looked down at me, concern twisting his expression.

Devil and angel. Another choice to make. This one was different, though. It almost didn't feel like a choice. It was easy. It was simple. It was freeing. It was like blowing out the candles on a birthday cake, and knowing your wish would be instantly granted.

Losing My Way (A Brian May fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now