(20) training camp 1

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Two chapters in one day??? Yesssss

Maybe more hehe

-Atsumu POV-

I rolled my eyes ar my brother who was all cuddled up with Suna in the seat across from me. I envy what they have. I wanted so bad to have that with Sakusa. I sometimes wish we went to the same school so I could see him more often. He hates leaving the house because of his anxiety and everytime i asked to come over, he denys me or chnaged the subject. Sometimes Ill just show up. Afterall, his mom loves me to death. When I do that, Sakusa seems to get mad, and it makes me really insecure, but then when we go to his room, and we start playing video games. And than he laughs and starts teasing me about how much I suck at the game. Im always quick to defend myself, but I secretly like it.

I looked down in my lap, opening my phone.

-Sakusa and Atsumu chat-

Atsumu- suna and osamu are cuddling

sakusa- ok

atsumu- i wish I went to your school

sakusa- why

atsumu- cause then id have someone to talk to

Sakusa- what makes you think id talk to you?

Atsumu- well thats just rood

sakusa- yeah yeah. Well dont worry

Atsumu- hmm?

Sakusa- when your bus arrives you can go find terushima

Atsumu- why would i want to see him...

Sakusa- because

Atsumu- wait were you jealous

Sakusa- what no?

Atsumu- omi omi~
You're so cute

Sakusa- I said no-

Atsumu- omi omi I'll give you kiss

Sakusa- I'm going back to sleep

Atsumu- hehe I can't wait to see you omi omi

Sakusa- mhm

Atsumu- do I get a hug?

Sakusa- no

Atsumu- what about when we are in your room

Sakusa- my room?

Atsumu- you got your own right? Imma come see it

Sakusa- oh god

Atsumu- 😏

-End of Chat-

As soon as we arrived, I looked around for Sakusa's team. Osamu yelled at me and told me not to run off but I ignored him. I went into the gym immediately. Karasuno was the first team I found. Hinata spotted me and waved. I nodded for him to come over.

He left his conversation and ran over to me. "Hi!"

"Hey Orange." I said while getting a chill down my spine. I looked around and spotted Kageyama, glaring in my direction. He's literally scary for no reason. I cleared my throat and turned back to Hinata. I needa keep this short. "Have you seen Sakusa?"

"Oh, yeah they're in the cafeteria!"

"Thank you!" I patted his head before quickly running off. Kageyama is probably going to kill me for that.

I went off to the cafeteria. My team was in here too. Osamu glared at me and pointed toward coach. I shrugged and looked around for Sakusa. I spotted him standing up from his seat and starting to walk out of the gym out the opposite door. My heart leaped.

"Atsumu," Osamu grabbed my shoulder. Suna was behind him, texting on his phone. "Come on, we got here late and it's our turn for dinner."

"Um, I'm not hungry." I lied. Osamu definitely saw right through my lie, but he also knew exactly why I was lying. "Fine, I'll cover for you. But I'm not sparing you money for the vending machine later."

I smiled before running off in Sakusa direction. Luckily he hadn't got to far ahead. He was standing in the back of the line of his team as they made their way to the rooms. I fell in quietly, next to Sakusa. He turned to me unsurprised.

"I was wonder when you were gonna catch up to me." He whispered.

I smirked up at him. "Don't start doubting me now."

Sakusa shook his head and removed his jacket. He draped it over my shoulders. "Keep your head down or the coach will notice you."

I kept my head down, watching our feet. My cheeks were flaming. I hadn't actually expected for him to let me in his room, I just wanted to tease him.

"Alright boys, no messing around, no sneaking out. My room is right in the middle of all of yours." The coach called out.

Luckily, me and Sakusa were able to pass right by him to Sakusas room. I sighed with relief when he shut the door, sliding my arms through his jacket. It smelled amazing.

I laid back on his bed. Sakusa climbed on and laid next to me. I turned my head to look at him. "Is your anxiety okay?"

He hummed. "I took some pills this morning, and the teams haven't been crowded together yet so no."

I nodded. "That's good." He hummed again and turned to look at me as well. His expression was so blank, I could never tell what he was thinking. "What?" I blushed.

He leaned closer, his lips just barely touching mine. "You calm my anxiety." 

"Really?" I laughed nervously. "Cause you make mine spike."

He smirked, kissing me softly. It felt amazing, and unreal. Kissing him after all this time of admiring him, and flirting with him. Holy shit I'm actually doing this.

I leaned more into it, loving the way he pulled away slightly to bite my lip before moving back in. My whole body shivered. His hand traced a line from my thigh up to my cheek. I whined softly from the touch.

He caressed my cheek as he pulled away. I turned my body, and put my hand on his cheek, pulling him back into the kiss. I didn't want it to end. He didn't fight me, instead he rolled on top of me. I gasped lightly as his kisses moved down to my neck.

He sucked lightly on the side, his hands resting near my waist. I could tell he wanted to touch me but was also fighting himself on it. It made me feel good, I wasn't the only one who was nervous.

Sakusa brought the kisses back up to my lips once more before pulling away and looking down at me. "I should probably get back before dinner ends."

"Yeah, you need to eat."

It felt nice knowing he cares.

"I'll text you?" He rolled off of me and onto his back. I sat up and looked at him. "Sakusa?"

"Keep my jacket. I like the way you look in it."

I nodded and leaned down, giving him one last long kiss. "Don't do anything to naughty without me."

He snorted and pushed me away. I happily left the room and skipped down the hallway back to the cafeteria. I sat next to Osamu as if nothing even happened.

Osamu looked me up and down. "Dude, your neck." He laughed.

I blushed and laid my head down on the table. He put it in such an obvious spot. Probably on purpose. He did seem jealous of Terushima. Ah, he's so cute.

Hi loll

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