(13) delete the video

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Lowkey thought about this chapter with my OC's, but... 😏

-Osamu POV-

Suna snuggled his head into my chest, sighing happily. I stroked my fingers through his hair over and over. He was breathing slowly, his warm breath traveling down my chest.

"I'm so warm.." he whispered turning his head up toward me. I smirked down at him, kissing the tip of his nose before moving to his lips. They were soft, so fucking soft and bruised from our earlier activities. Even bruised, they were pretty, man I've fallen for him hard.

I can only hope he feels the same way. Honestly, when I confessed to him last year, I figured he'd say no and call me weird. But, to my surprise, he simply blushed and asked me to pick him up at 10. Of course he had to sneak out of his house, due to his parents. It was funny though because he fell out of his window. I caught him of course.

We've kept our relationship a secret from most people. Sakusa and Atsumu just found out a week ago at the party. My mom doesn't know and neither does my team, or the whole school. Suna is scared his parents will find out. So I agreed that we can just stay a secret.

I gave him another kiss. "Do I have to take you home? Or are you spending the night?"

His arms came up to go around my neck, his leg going over my waist. His skin was so warm. Thank god, it was freezing outside. "I wish I could. But my parents want me home."

Frowning, I whispered. "Lame."

He pouted leaning forward to kiss me once more. I placed my hand on his waist, running my fingers under his jersey. Technically he was wearing my jersey, but he literally refuses to take it off. I must say, he looked adorable when we making love though. He kept biting the collar of the shirt.

I rolled us over pinning him under me. A waft of cold air came into the blanket from my movements, causing him to shiver. I pressed down on him. "Sorry."

He shook his head. "It's okay. What time is it?" He turned underneath me, laying on his stomach instead. I immediately started kissing his neck, my fingers running along the curve of his back. "Osamu..."

"Hmm?" I looked up to see what he was looking at.

I immediately grabbed the phone from him before he could delete it. I sat up and away from him. He turned quickly toward me his cheeks a shade of red.

"H-hey!" He leaped for me trying to grab the phone. I held it up with one hand using the other to counter his attacks. "Osamu delete it!"

I shook my head with a smirk. "No can do. I rarely get to be alone with you. I need this."

He placed both his hands firmly on my thighs leaning forward, his eyes searching mine. "Delete it. It's embarrassing."

I looked up at the phone clicking play on the video. Immediately, his moaning started playing from my phone. He buried his face into my chest in defeat. "You're so mean..."

"You're beautiful." I said placing the phone behind me on my bedside dresser before wrapping both my arms around him. He didn't move or speak from awhile. "I'll lock the video. I won't just have it sitting around in my camera roll."

He looked up at me, he looked like he wanted to cry. I placed my hands on his cheeks. "Don't cry."

"What if it gets out?..."

I shook my head. "I would never do that to you." I leaned my forehead onto his, wiping a small tear that ran down his cheek. "If you're really that upset I'll delete it."

He shook his head. "No... i trust you."

"I'm glad."

He crawled into my lap wrapping himself around me. "I don't wanna go home."

"Then don't?"

He played with the small chain around my neck. "I'll ask my mom if I can stay this weekend?..."

"Okay baby." I kissed his forehead. He smiled softly.

The biggest strain on our relationship, would totally be his parents. I mean, they were a strain even before we started dating. I think I've been to his house four times since I was fourteen. His parents just hate everyone. They don't want Suna to ever go out either. I was the one that convinced them to let him play volleyball.

"Yo Osamu." Atsumu called as he opened my door wide. When he saw us on the bed, he raised his eyebrow and shut the door slowly behind him. "Wowza, Suna you're hot."

Suna buried his face into my neck. With a groaned, I grabbed the blanket wrapping it around him. Thankfully, he had boxers and my jersey on so Atsumu didn't see to much. I would've totally kicked his ass.

"What do you want?" I barked at him. He was just standing near my door, that smug smirk on his face. He's such an ass.

Atsumu moved to my dresser, digging through it quickly. "I need your shirt."

I groaned rubbing Suna's back. "Why?"

"I gotta date."

"With who?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He simply winked at me pulling my button up shirt from my top drawer. "Suna was naked in that."

"Dude gross!" He threw it at me. I laughed and shook my head. I totally just lied to him but I wanted to see Suna in the shirt. I tucked it in between us, Sunas fingers teasing my abs, his pretty eyes looking at me for a split second.

I kissed the side of his head watching as Atsumu checked himself out in my mirror. I sighed. "Bro get out or I'm telling mom."

"Hmm... I think this color looks good on me how about you?"

He turned to me with a smug smile. Of course it looked good on him. He's always had a better style. He was the better twin, even mom says so. I've gotten over it though...

I nodded. He chuckled happily before leaving, whistling a small tune as he did. I sighed looking down at Suna. He pouted. "I wanted to do it again..."

I laughed and pinned him back onto my bed. He stared up at me surprised, his hair falling in front of his eyes. I pushed it back. "You won't get in trouble if you're a little late right?"

He shrugged wrapping his arms around me. "Don't record me this time."

"No promises." I laughed kissing him.

Iwhxuwgydhusijwinzuwhsyhwd not me rushing to get a chapter out.

Also- this chapter will be hella important later one ;)

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