(21) chats in between

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I 10/10 will be putting chats in between each real life chapter, because the training camp will last a bit long. I want to do a lot of couples lol

-Sakusa and Atsumu chat-

Atsumu- can I call you baby now

Sakusa- no

Atsumu- awww why not??? :(

Sakusa- because I don't like that name

Atsumu- you don't :(

Sakusa- no

Atsumu- :/ well what name than????

Sakusa- uhh

Atsumu- babe?

Sakusa- no :/

Atsumu- honey?

Sakusa- no

Atsumu- omi omi idk... :(

Sakusa- I like omi omi

Atsumu- you do!???!

Sakusa- yeah. Cause only you call me that

Atsumu- okay! Skgsjwjsj hehe I knew you liked it!

Sakusa- did you?

Atsumu- yes I called it!!

Sakusa- okay sure sure

Atsumu- what are you gonna call me

Sakusa- Atsumu

Atsumu- :( that's boring

Sakusa- well okay
How about
My little slut

Atsumu- sksgwhjsjzje Sakusa

Sakusa- okay or brat?

Atsumu- you're actually really kinky?
It's always the quiet ones

Sakusa- pfft okay

Atsumu- I like it
Have you ever called anyone else those?

Sakusa- no

Atsumu- :) okay okay

Sakusa- and you?

Atsumu- I'm a virgin if that's what you're asking

Sakusa- you told the groupchat-

Atsumu- shhh it's our little secret

Sakusa- okay fine.

Atsumu- heheheheh

-Kunimi and Kindaichi chat-

Just a warning, they are so fucking toxic and if you have to relate to this I'm sorry. This hit way to close to home with me.

Kunimi- sleep well <3

Kindaichi- I still don't understand why we didn't have the same room

Kunimi- idk I'm sorry

Kindaichi- are you going to sleep right now?

Kunimi- well no...

Kindaichi- you should sneak over

Kunimi- um...

Kindaichi- come on Iwaizumi said it was okay

Kunimi- but oikawa said not to

Kindaichi- come on Kunimi

Kunimi- why?

Kindaichi- because. Who tf is this guy you're bunking with anyway?

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