(22) Kunimi

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4 in a day, I'm on a role arent i? Let's see if I can do 5

-Kunimi POV-

"Oh my god Iwachan, if you hit me one more time!"

I watched and giggled as Iwaizumi smacked Oikawa ass once more. Finally fed up with it, Oikawa ran toward Iwaizumi who caught him easily. They tackled each other to the ground, Iwaizumi's laugh filling the gym. Makki was recording the two, Mattsun cracking up behind him.

Kindaichi wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear. "Good morning."

I faked a smile and turned to look at him. "Hi." He quickly kissed me. I pulled away and laughed nervously. He glared at me and grabbed my cheeks pulling me in for another kiss. It was hard to breath with how long he kept me there.

He didn't let go until Oikawa yelled at him from across the gym. "Hands to yourself! Kunimi come here! I need help."

I took in a deep breath and jogged over to Oikawa. He nodded at me to follow him. We walked out the gym and I immediately started crying. I don't even know why I was crying. It's stupid, I'm the one that hasn't broke up with him yet.

Oikawa sighed and stopped. "Come here." He whispered pulling me against his chest. I hugged him tightly. "It's okay Kunimi, I'm here."

I sobbed into his chest. He was so warm and smelt good too. I wish he could just take me away from all this. Kindaichi kills me a little more each day, and I feel like no one understands. But when Oikawa holds me I feel like he knows, or understands. Even though I know he doesn't. I want to spill everything to him.

"You wanna sit outside and relax? I'll cover for you? And I won't tell Kindaichi."

I nodded. He pulled away and held his hand out to me. I took it with a sniffle watching him lead me out of the building. "Hey Oikawa." He hummed for a response. "Did you tell anyone?"

Oikawa shook his hand and squeezed my hand. "Naw. Not even iwachan."

I looked down, squeezing my eyes shut but tears still fell. He's so sweet. Why can't Kindaichi be like him? I love Kindaichi, I really do. When we first started dating it was really great. He's tease me in class, write me little notes, help me on my homework. We even use to have sleep overs and he'd let me sleep on his chest for hours without moving me. When did it all change?....

"It's beautiful out here." Oikawa whispered. I sniffled and opened my eyes, looking up at the sun. It burned my eyes so I had to look away.

"Okay, you can rest here, I'll tell coach you aren't feeling well."

"Thank you.."

Oikawa smiled brightly. "Of course! Kindaichi should know better, I didn't raise anyone on my team to be like that." He pouted.

I giggled softly. He really acts like a mom. He would make a great mom, no wonder Iwaizumi likes him so much. Even if he says he doesn't. Iwaizumi admires him from afar like most of us do. Oikawa left me outside and skipped back inside the building. He really was a twink.

-Goshiki POV-

Tendou tapped the top of my head continuously. I told him to stop but even as we got off the bus he continued to do it. Our coach was complaining about how late we are but it wasn't even our fault. It was the coaches fault. He slept in and missed the bus.

Our bus ended up having to turn around to go get him. It was ridiculous. Than he yelled at us like it was our fault that he had slept in.

Tendou finally stopped tapping my head and instead jumped onto Ushiwaka back. Ushiwaka sighed and handed him off to Semi. Semi laughed, struggling to hold Tendous weight. I wonder how heavy he actually is? He literally looks like a stick.

Our whole team started to move inside the building but out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone sitting against the wall, knees pulled to his chest. I told Tendou I'd be right back before jogging over to the boy.

"Hey..." I whispered trying not to startle him. He didn't even jump so I repeated myself. "Hey..."

"Hi." He whispered back and looked up at me. The tears in his eyes made my heart ache. I hated seeing people cry.

"Are you okay?" I asked bending down to his level. He nodded. I noticed the blue and white outfit to be Aoba Johsai's. I heard that I had to share a room with one of them. I wasn't really mad about it but my whole team made fun of me for it so that sucked.

I sighed and took a seat next to him. "My name is Goshiki. I'm actually supposed to be sharing a room with one of your members."

"Oh." He laughed a bit. "So you're my roommate."

Oh. It's him. Well that works out I guess.

"I guess so." I cleared my throat. "I don't understand why they mixed only us."

He buried his head back into his knees and apologized. I looked at him confused.

"Kunimi!" He jumped and looked up, in front of us a man was walking our way. He looked pissed, squeezing his hand into a fist. He was always wearing an Aoba Johsai uniform. "What the hell are you doing out here?"

Kunimi started to stutter, quickly wiping his tears. The man stared down at both of us. "Who the fuck is this?"

"H-he's-." Kunimi struggled on his words. The man grabbed Kunimi by his shirt and pulled him up.

"Are you cheating on me? Is that why you pulled away from the kiss this morning? Huh? After all you sent me last night, you think you can cheat on me?"

"I'm his roommate!" I quickly said and stood up. I didn't quite understand their situation, but I knew enough to know that this man was hella toxic.  "My name is Goshiki, I'm his roommate. I need help finding our room. Sorry."

He slowly turned to me before back at Kunimi. "Is that true?" I nodded a bunch. Kunimi too. Finally, he let go, shoving him to the ground. "Call me after you're done showing this bitch around."

After he was gone, I bent down and helped dust Kunimi off. "Are you okay?!"

"Thank you." He sobbed hugging me. "Thank you so much."

I gulped and hugged back. "Yeah... of course." Even though I didn't really do anything.

Ahhhhhhh so a ship blossoms.

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