Chapter 9- Decision

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Third Person POV

What angered Natsu the most was how they hurt Wendy for nothing. After that day, no one was hurt. So what was the point? Not that he wanted anyone else to be hurt.

Two guards came and dragged them out of their cell and into another room.

There he was in all his glory. Jellal Fernandez.

"You're the judge?!" Erza exclaimed.

"A little hey would be nice. Now what did you do?" Jellal sighed.

"You know this guy?" Mira whispered.

"He's...the one who gave me my last name." Erza whispered back.

Mira began to jump and spin around with hearts in her eyes until one the guards stopped her.

"Sir, these people plan on resurrecting Zeref. Natsu Dragneel is behind this." Alber bowed.

Erza found it strange that Jellal was in such position and actually had people bowing at him. She held in her urge to laugh and shrugged it off.

"Oh give me a break. Still with that?! Was torturing Wendy not enough? Is that why you're trying to get us in trouble?" Gray said.

"Torture?" Jellal asked.

"Wendy, lift your shirt up." Juvia said.

"W-What?" Wendy stuttered.

"Just let him see your bruise child!" Carla scolded.

Wendy lifted her shirt slightly and Jellal got to see a nasty cut and bruise.

"ALBER?! She's a kid! And you know torturing is forbidden unless you have an order and you most definitely didn't."

"Sir, they are planning on resurrecting Zeref. NATSU DRAGNEEL and his filthy team are behind it." Alber insisted.

"GAHH! No I'm not! We aren't. Only person we're bringing back is Lucy Heartfilia. Why the hell would we bring Zeref back?! You know. It's getting annoying having to repeat this over and over again!" Natsu yelled.

"He's your brother. Both of you are associated with evil doings. Why else would you want to bring him back? It's only natural for a demon to crave destruction. To crave blood. Aint that right, E.N.D?" Alber said.

Natsu looked down and was about to speak but Levy beat him to it.

"You disgust me! After all Natsu has done for the council these past years to try and forgive himself and for others to forgive him as well! After every mission he's done. You still think he's like that?! E.N.D WAS A WHOLE DIFFERENT PERSON!" Levy yelled.

"Right. The Natsu you see before you is sweet and caring. He'd do anything to protect anyone, including his enemies." Mira added.

"Natsu is my best friend!" Happy cried.

"He might be a pain in the ass but he's definitely not evil." Gray shrugged.

"Guys, I don't-"

"Jellal." Erza interrupted Natsu.

Jellal looked at her straight in the eye, signaling for her to continue.

"I killed our slave owners. Slit their throats. Does that make me evil? To hide their bodies I set them on fire first. Does that make me blood thristy?" Erza glared.

Jellal stayed silent.

"DOES IT?!" Erza repeated.

"Just answer man, this chick's a real monster." Natsu panicked.

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