Chapter 7- Location

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Third Person POV

There were two beds in each room. The girls were fine and sound asleep. So were the boys but man did it take a lot to make Natsu and Gray sleep in one while Gajeel and the exceeds on the other cause no way would Gajeel sleep with with any of those two. Hane had taken the couch.

Gray moved to get comfortable but he bumped into Natsu. He looked back to see Natsu's butt up against his back as the rest of his body was in a weird and probably not safe position.

Gray groaned.

"Move you idiot! Your ass is in the way." Gray said.

Natsu turned to hit Gray in the face with his elbow.

"Shut up! You're just mad I got a better looking ass than you."


"SHHHH!" Gajeel and the exceeds hissed.

Gray and Natsu turned their backs to each other once again. Natsu was about to close his eyes but he noticed the couch was empty. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. After confirming that Hane wasn't there he shook Gray.

"What now?!"

"Hane isn't here. Gajeel. Wake up." Natsu said while extending an arm behind him to reach for Lucy's keys. He didn't feel them. He turned his head around and didn't see them at all.

"What's wrong?" Happy asked.

"Her keys. Gray! Give them back!" Natsu said and grabbed him by his chain.

"I didn't take them!" Gray said and shoved Natsu's face.

Gajeel rolled his eyes and began looking for the keys himself. The other joined in.

"Hane and the keys are gone." Gray said after a few minutes of looking.

"No. Really?" Gajeel said sarcastically.

Just then Hane came into the room as he ran his fingers through his burgundy colored hair tiredly. He dragged his hand down his face and sighed but raised an eyebrow as he noticed the others were looking at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Her keys. Where are they?" Natsu glared.

Hane blinked dumbfounded.

"Her- what are you talking about? I don't have the keys."

"You were gone and so are keys. Seems pretty weird to me." Gajeel said.

"I was downstairs? Getting breakfast?" Hane said as he held up a bag which had their breakfast.

Gray looked at the clock. 7 a.m. The sun would rise in a few minutes.

Natsu crossed his arms and walked over to Hane but while doing so he stepped on something. Everyone looked down to Natsu's foot and saw Lucy's keys, which were sticking out from under the bed, below it.

Natsu picked them up.

"We looked everywhere and didn't I leave the keys on the desk?"

" did. I'm not sure what happened."

"Well. Sorry about that." Happy said.

"You're fine. You have the right to suspect me. After all you haven't gotten to know me that well." Hane shrugged as he placed the food down on the table.

"Yeah." Gray said.

~~girl's room~~

"Hey. Where is my headband?" Levy asked.

Long Time No See [Book 2, to OEIF]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora