Chapter 12- Back With Us

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Third Person POV

"I KNOW. I CAN SEE!" Natsu yelled back as he took a hard bite at his thumb and began to draw the circle.

By now, the sun was almost 2/3s up the horizon. Natsu was getting light headed from his hyperventilating.

"Natsu!" Happy yelled as he got up on his feet.

"Is the key all the way in?!"

"YES! It IS all the way in. Why?!"

"We've never preformed this before but I'm pretty sure something is supposed to happen. Nothing is-"

Natsu waited a few seconds for Loke so speak, but that never came.

"Loke? Loke?! LOKE!"

Natsu looked back at the horizon, the sun was all the way up. Loke wasn't responding anymore. Not at all.

Natsu ripped the necklace off and threw it.

"Damn thing.." He whispered as a tear fell from his eye.

Natsu looked back at the Slate of Dena. Everything was in place. He...kinda made it in time? Does that not count?

He put his hands on the floor.

"Please. I just want Lucy back." He cried.

Happy and Gray made it up the hill. The rest were down resting as some were slowly waking up.

" breathe.." Gray said.

"Natsu.." Happy said softly as he came to Natsu's right side and put a paw on his arm.

Gray sighed sadly and put a hand on Natsu's back and began to rub it in comfort. He wouldn't do this usually. He'd rather be dead than someone seeing comforting his ultimate rival. But he knew how much this, how much Lucy meant to Natsu even if Natsu didn't really understand it himself.

Natsu isn't one to cry. He smiles. Cheers people up. So when he does, it's pretty heart tearing to see.

"I just want Lucy back, Gray." Natsu whispered, repeating himself again.

"We tried." Happy choked out as he himself began to cry as well.

Gray looked back at the team that was currently at the bottom of the hill.

Wendy had healed Erza and was now healing Gajeel. Erza looked at Gray hopefully and questioning. He looked down before looking back at her to shake his head. Levy saw and fell to her knees to cry. Gray ended up tearing up as well.

Erza came up to the hill.

"Natsu. You tried. We tried." She said.

"No. We didn't try enough. I- I'm sure we can try again. The next full moon! We'll just stay here and-"

"Natsu, we can't stay here." Erza said in a shaky voice seeing how hurt Natsu was.

"Fine. I'll stay. I'll try again. I just.." Natsu trailed off as his shoulders slacked tiredly.

Gray glanced at the golden open field to the bottom left of them. The sun shining it's light on just the perfect spots as the morning breeze swayed the grass from side to side.

He saw light coming from a certain spot. Squinting in an attempt to focus on it, he saw hints of blue and black.

"Natsu.." Gray said but more so whispered.

Natsu looked up and followed his gaze. A faint scent blew along with the breeze. A very familiar one.

Before Gray could say anything, Natsu dashed past him followed by Happy. Midway, Happy picked him up and flew him closer.

"Fairy Tail! We did it!" Erza announced as she realized what was happening.

The remaining team raced up the hill to view the situation.

Happy's wings disappeared and accidently dropped Natsu. He wasted no time to get up and leaped once more to embrace what he longed for. His scarf falling off when Happy dropped him.

"LUCE!" Natsu sobbed as tears continued to fall.

"Lushy!" Happy yelled.

Lucy hugged Natsu tightly and giggled happily.

"Long time no see you guys!" She smiled.

Natsu got up after a while and helped Lucy up as well.

"But...the sun..and, and the-" Natsu began but Lucy cut him off by wiping his tears.

"Shh..." Lucy calmed Natsu down.

"Loke didn't respond cause the ritual took a lot of energy from them. They'll be okay in a few days. But...Natsu?" Lucy said, her smile dropping a bit.

Natsu stared into her eyes.

"Don't panic when I fall unconscious in a few seconds. I-...returning comes at a price." Lucy said.

Natsu's eyes saddened.

"What...price?" He asks carefully.

"My memories. I won't remember anything. But it doesn't mean I can't get them back. So please...just one more task. Help me remember you. Help me fall in love..w-with you...again." Lucy said, whispering the last part as her eyes closed and fell onto Natsu.

He heard her loud in clear.

Natsu picked her up bridal style. He looked at her as her hair flowed in the wind and smiled, making their way back up the hill to meet everyone else.

"She loves you~"Happy cooed.

Natsu ignored his teasing. He was shaking all over. He was happy. She was back. Back with him and everyone.

"Lucy!" The others exclaimed.

"W-What's wrong with Lucy?" Juvia asked.

Natsu looked back down at Lucy and pushed her up a little so her head wasn't fully hanging.

"Guy's, we've got just one more thing to do." He smiled.


Hey, hey, hey!

Last chapter XD

How was it? :3

Another sequel? No sequel?

Should I? Should I not?


Long Time No See [Book 2, to OEIF]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن