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I just want to clear a few things up before we start this book.

1. I do not hold the beliefs displayed by these characters. Toxic masculinity is included in this book. Please know that I do not encourage this. Thank you.

2. There are probably some cringy parts. Deal with it.

3. This book uses some characters from Nightmares, but is a different storyline and can be read before or after Nightmares.

4. It may also include some gruesome description so read at your own risk.

5. There is some Spanish in this book, but I have used google translate as I do not actually speak Spanish and my knowledge is very basic, so if there is anything wrong, feel free to let me know so I can change it.

6. If anyone copies my book, I will report you. Why should I waste my precious time writing a book only for someone to copy it and take the credit? If you want to do something like translate the book or write fanfiction, however, you can do so but credit me as the author please.

7. I will not tolerate nasty comments about me or my book, and will not tolerate bullying in the comments section. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be free to read the book and comment without people calling them names. If you don't like the book, then do us all a favour and stop reading. No one's forcing you to read it.

8. This book is currently unedited so I hope to go back over it sometime and edit it. If there are any serious plot holes, feel free to comment so I can use these comments to help edit later on. However, I only tolerate constructive criticism, unsavoury comments will be deleted.

Last thing, please no daddy comments. It makes me very uncomfortable.

Anyway, thanks for choosing this book and hope you enjoy it. 


Papá always told me to man up. He said he would never give me any control if I didn't prove that I could earn it first.

That was how it worked. His affection, his attention, Mamá's support. As far as he was concerned, I had to earn it.

He said he was preparing me for real life. He was always preparing me for real life. But it wasn't real life. Not really. Not even close. It was his life. His world of nightmares. A world I never wanted to live in or rule.

But when you've been prepared for something your whole life, you don't get to just walk away. Not without a fight. He wouldn't give up until he had what he wanted.

Nothing in life is free niño, he said. And if anyone tells you different, you've already paid the price.

I spent my life earning things. If I wanted something, even the smallest, simplest thing. I had to earn it myself. Papá didn't believe in handouts.

If you want it that badly you have to work for it. That was his favourite saying. Always had been. And I had always believed him.

He was right in a way, nothing really came free anymore. More often than not, people always wanted something back from you. A world that gives is a world that takes.

The thing is, the more precious the item, the more value it had, the higher risk you had of losing that item for good.

After all, it was always the most beautiful things in life that disappeared first.

And it was strange what people considered high value nowadays. Some things that seemed worthless to one person may mean the world to someone else.

Something costing more than gold could be meaningless next to an old picture frame passed down as a family heirloom.

And sometimes, people with everything they could possibly need, and more cash than they could ever use, may have everything to make their lives easier but feel empty inside. So people could take and take and take and it wouldn't make a difference. Happiness was a whole other price range in itself.

I realized this a long time ago. It wasn't how much things cost, just the value of it. It had confused me at first but slowly I had begun to get it.

But it wasn't until now that I realised that some things you just couldn't put a price on.

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