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(The territory line between hunters and creatures (e.i. faeries, wolves, witches)


"She's ours," I turn to Eirene who too is smiling.
"I'm curious about her, she probably thinks she is on drugs right now."
Eirene says as she drops down the tree to greet our guest.
"Hello," Eirene drops in front of the human.
The human stumbles backs, eyes filled with fear.
"Who are you? What is going on?"
She begins to tear up, "please don't kill me."
Eirene laughs out loud, "Do not worry, we are not a threat to you. We are here to help you, come with us."
She looks unsure, "Are you two at least 100% human?"
I guess she figured it out.
"Of course we are," I wink at her.
Eirene saw that, quickly rolling her eyes from annoyance.
"Yes, we will help you, don't worry."

We took her to our dwelling, which is a village inspired camp. The camp has a fence around the cabins, the fence is electronically wired to be dangerous to outsiders. It causes high voltage shocks to anyone near of 300 meters.
As we near closer, the human still silent, I talk into the walkie-talkie.
"Near 300, disarm, over."
And we finally see the gates of the camp open.
"Is this where you two live?" The human speaks, we turn to her.
"Yeah, pretty cool right?" I say as I laugh out.
I enter the camp, quickly heading towards the leader to inform them that we have captured the human.
I near their office, quickly knocking on the door.
"Come in," they call out.
I do, seeing them cleaning their gun.
"We have found her, commander."
They look up at me, "Thank you Darin, and tell Eirene the same."
I nod, "Yes, commander."
Then I head out, seeing the human being bombarded by everyone.
As the gentleman I am, I quickly came to the res-
"Hey, I'm sorry for this. Let me help you, come with me."
-cue. The fucking rescue.
There she was, with her charming self, rescuing the human.
She has no right to do that, besides she's still grounded for sleeping with the commander's wife.
Grounded as in, expelled from participating in any event or assignment.
I quickly catch up with her, "Where are you going with them?"
I intervened, seeing the way she rolled her eyes at me, "None of your business, Darin. I'm allowed to do this, says the commander. I'm off the grounded list and I have restrictions, but this isn't one of them. Leave me alone," and she walks away.
The human seemed to be confused and kind of in awe.
Of who? Me? Or her?
Oh Willow, this one is mine.

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