Chapter 29

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Liam's P.O.V

It's been three days.. 

Three days of not seeing Niall, because he's still in his room.

Three days of not hearing anything from Debby.

Three days of Ashton leaving to Debby's.

I never thought i've ever felt so worried as i was in those three days..

Is Niall still okay?

What about Debby? Where did she actually go to?

What about Ashton? Where did he go? I've heard he has some problems with himself.. Of course i'm not sure if that's true, because the media always tries to think of gossips, but for some reason this "gossip" got stuck in my mind, because that would explain why he ran so hysterically to Michael..

As i was thinking, i heard the creaking sound of the door and i saw Niall standing there, at least, the guy who used to be Niall, because he didn't look anything like the Niall i knew. His hair was sticking out to every possible direction and his face looked pale. His eyes looked sad and his clothes were messy too. This didn't stop me from hugging him though. I ran towards him and immediately pulled him into a hug. He hugged back and didn't even cry, like i expected him to..

"i'm hungry" he stated. knowing i would make food for him because of the pity i felt for him.

"I'll make you a sandwich" i just muttered before disappearing to the direction of the kitchen.

Niall followed me and looked how i made his sandwich, but he didn't say anything though. He just stayed silent.  

"Are you already feeling better Nialler?" i asked, trying to break the awkward silence between us. 

Again, he stayed silent. If he'll stay like this i probably will have to take him to therapist or something. I sighed before handing over his sandwich. He slowly started to eat it as he walked towards the door. I grabbed his arm before he could walk out the room and hide in his room again.

"Niall, please, stay here... Let us help you instead of hiding in your room."

He looked as me as if he didn't even understand what i said to him. Suddenly the door opened. Luke stood there in the door opening, followed by Ashton.

When Niall saw Ashton he immediately walked to the kitchen. 

"Maybe it's better that you guys return later?" I whispered as i pointed towards the direction Niall disappeared in.

Luke nodded and grabbed Ashton by his arm,  but just when Luke wanted to take Ashton away from the scene, Ashton pulled away and ran towards the kitchen

"Why didn't you tell me you had a crush on her? Then this wouldn't have happened!!"

"Why didn't you tell me? She's my best friend!"

"You mean she was! Nobody wants to be friends with someone who locks himself in his room for three fucking days! Get over it! She's mine now!"

For some reason me and Luke just waited in the living room, probably just curious about what they were going to scream to each other, but ready to stop them if they would really start to fight.


"WELL I KISSED HER!! NANANANANA"Ashton sang in a teasing tone.

There was a long silence when we suddenly heard a scream and we heard something fall on the floor

"You bastard!! She was mine!!"

"You're too fucking late!!"

Luke and I immediately ran towards the kitchen, trying to pull the fighting guys away from each other

Luke grabbed Niall's arms as I grabbed Ashton's. Niall's nose was bleeding and for some reason Ashton's arm was too.

"You pathetic little shit!!" Ashton screamed to Niall as he tried moving his arms from my grip.

"Liam, you're hurting me, please!" He suddenly screamed as I pulled him back a little further.

I let him go, and within a minute, he ran upstairs. I looked at my hand and saw a red stain.

Luke was still holding Niall, a shocked expression was on his face, while Niall just looked sad.

"I knew they were gonna do it"


Niall rolled his eyes, and then i knew what he meant, but i decided tos stay silent. 

Luke slowly let Niall go but he just stood there and looked at something. I followed hsi gaze and saw him looking at his half eaten sandwich.

"You're always thinking of food aren't ya Nialler?" I asked, winking at him

He smiled, grabbed his sandwich and started eating it again

"Can we watch a movie?" He slowly asked after Luke and i both watched him finishing his food.

"Yeah, but i think you should shower first" Michael said as he walked into the room, followed by Calum.

"Where's Ashton actually? he immediately added

I looked at my sleeve and still saw the red stain, when i looked up again i saw Michael running in the same direction as Ashton disappeared in. 

I wonder what his secret is....

 Michael's P.O.V

"Ashton?" i called as i walked across all the doors of the hallway.

He had to be somewhere in those rooms, but i had no clue in which one he could be.

"Mikey?" i suddenly heard a voice say.

I ran towards the door in which the sound came from and open the door. There was Ashton sitting in the middle of the room. His wrists were bleeding but there wasn't anyhting near him what could have hurt him. 

"Ashton? What've you done?" i whisper as i sit next to him

He hugs me and slowly starts to cry. 

"Niall scratched me and now it looks like i've cut but i haven't because our deal was that I wouldn't cut"

"It's okay Ash, i know you didn't cut" 

He smiles at me and just as he wants to say something else the door opens and Niall falls into the room.

"I ermm, had to shower?" he says. his face turns beet red.

Ashton immediately runs towards Niall and jumps on top of him. 



"LIAM!!"  I scream as I try to pull Ashton and Niall away from each other.

Luke and Liam enter the room and also try to calm the two fighting guys down, but nothing seems to work.


Ashton and Niall immediately stop fighting and look at her


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