Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Normal? Possible or not?

I stood frozen taking him in, he was both hot and scary all rolled into one package. Why was he here?

“What are you doing here?” I spat, my mouth going dry.

“Matt called said he was staying with Ally and asked me to bring him some stuff from his house. I’ve been staying with him because the pipes burst in my apartment uptown.” He explained holding up Matt’s gym bag, I relaxed slightly. He was here for Matt.  “Is that your apartment?” Jeremy points at Mr. Spencer’s door moving closer to me, my heart hammers as I realise I’m still standing at Caleb’s door. Crap.

“No… Eh…. It’s that one there,” I turn and point down the hall towards my apartment when I turn back Jeremy is only inches away.

“How was your gran?” He asks leaning against the wall casually.

“My gran?” I repeat confused, my grans been dead for years.

“Yea isn’t she in hospital?” His grin widens as he catches me in my lie, “Ahhh you ditched me. I get it; I can be pretty full on, don’t worry about it.”

His laugh fills the empty hall, he pushes himself of the wall and strolls towards my apartment, I hesitate at Caleb’s door for a couple of second. It will just have to wait.

“You coming?” He called over his shoulder.

"Eh.. Yea” I sigh following him down the hall, I have more time. I don’t have to tell him now. Caleb and I haven’t even known each other a week but I knew letting him go was going to be the hardest thing I was ever going to.

I open the door and lead Jeremy into my hall, I feel uneasy with him being in my home, but he just looks around the lavish hall comfortably.

“Nice place,” He smiles. “Will I just leave this here?” He gestures to the hall table. For a moment I consider telling him to just drop it and get out but I swallow my hateful feelings and shake my head.

“No he’s down the hall you can give it to him yourself… Eh just follow me!” I say leading him to Ally’s bedroom; I can already here the familiar sound of the “Little Mermaid”. I knock and wait for Matt to shout it’s OK to come in.

“Yo man it’s Jer.” Jeremy spoke over me brushing past into the room, “I got your clothes!”

“Brill, man, thanks,” Matt smiled jumping up from the bed leaving Ally alone, unmoving. I moved towards her instinctively, she looked so small and pale; it was like all the pain and fear she’d been hiding for the last year had hit her all at once and it left her empty and numb. I instantly felt guilty for losing myself in my own problems when I should have been here looking after my friend.

“Hey Matt, why don’t you and Jeremy go get us some pizza?” I suggest sitting on the edge of the bed. “Get our usual, Mason won’t be home for a few hours, we can have a movie marathon.”

The lads briefly look at each than shrug, Matt knows at this stage when I tell him to get pizza it means get lost.

“Ok, we’ll be back in an hour.” Matt says following Jeremy out of the room, I wait for the sound of the door closing before I say anything to Ally.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask lying down beside her.

“No,” she says her voice barely above a haunted whisper.

“Ok want to hear about Caleb?” I ask, giving her a distraction instead.

“Yea,” she said with a little more conviction, she even turned towards me, her face was tearstained but I could see a flicker of light there. She wasn’t lost, not yet.

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