Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


I stood there a minute, frozen, trying to think of something to say; eventually it was Ally who broke the silence.

“Jeremy? I thought you were going to wait with Matt.” She said glancing at me side ways, all I could do was stand there and gape, that look in his eyes.

“We got a table, Matt told me to come get you and lead you back so that you don’t get lost,” he scanned me from head to toe, I shivered, something was off with this guy. “We already ordered.”

“Ehm about that, listen, we have to be in school early tomorrow we signed up to help organise the school trip.” Ally lied squeezing my arm, I could tell by the panicked look in her eyes that she felt exactly what I was feeling.

“Don’t worry about it… I’ll have you home for eleven.” He smirked, turning and walking back towards the restaurant, we both followed unsure of what to do or say. My phone buzzed in my pocket, a quick glance at the screen told me I had message from Ally.

I’ll talk to Matt just say that this is a message from your mom and that you need to go it’s a family emergency… I already texted the cab company he should be waiting outside for you! XD   

I gave her a quick grateful smile before saying, “Oh no that’s my mom, my gran is sick I have to meet them at the hospital. I got to go say bye to Matt for me.”

I hugged Ally quickly and ran for the door giving Jeremy a small wave, luckily the cab was right outside the main door.

By the time the cab had pulled up in front of my apartment building the shivers had reduced to a mild trembling, I quickly paid the driver and sprinted up the steps and burst into the lobby desperate to get home. The doorman looked up from his desk, “Miss Clark, are you alright?” he asked standing, I put my hand up and just nodded,

“I’m fine Jackson, just tired.” I said heading for lifts, I felt cold inside and every time I closed my eyes all I could see was the way Jeremy looked at me. As soon as the doors slid closed I let the few tears that I’d been holding back burst from my eyes, I wasn’t crying because of Jeremy but because all night every time he touched me I thought of Caleb.  I cried because I knew he’d never be mine and because I knew I’d never find anyone who would make me feel that way again.

I stepped out into the hall praying that it would be empty; I just wanted to get to my apartment in peace today had been intense, starting off with the hot stranger who turned out to be my teacher and ending with the guy with the scary eyes. I opened a new message and began to type I needed to tell Ally that I’d gotten home safe and sound.

“Emily?” I heard his voice before I saw him, my heart stopped.

“Mr. Spencer,” I gasped taking in his dishevelled dark hair, he was still wearing the pale blue shirt from school but now the top three buttons were open exposing his smooth chest. He looked sexy and his eyes were filled with concern as they scanned my face.

“What’s wrong?” he asked walking towards me.

“Nothing… I mean… I had a bad night but nothing major,” I smiled reassuringly as I watched him close the distance between us. Suddenly my body came alive every part of my body was screaming out for him to touch me.

“Where did you go?” his voice was low, husky, he was so close now that if I reached out I could touch him.

“A movie with friends,” I breathed unable to think straight; I had to force my hands to stay where they were.

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