Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Big Apple

I sat beside Jared on the bus to the hotel, thankfully Mr. Michaels had arranged for Dan to go on the second bus that was taking more bags than people. I looked anxiously back at Ally who seemed a little more relaxed now that Dan wasn’t in close proximity to her; I hoped that Mr. Michaels had the foresight to put Dan as far away from us in the hotel as physically possible.

“Ally’s looking better,” Jared remarked when he caught me looking at her.

“Yea, I’m just worried about her…. This was supposed to be her break from it all ya know?”

“Yea,” he shook his head, “I’ve only heard rumours…. But man if what really happened is anywhere near the rumours….. I don’t know how she’s even functioning.”

“What are the rumours?” My back stiffened, I hadn’t doubted for a second that the rumour mills would have been working over time on this one. But I hadn’t heard any of them; I guess people had more sense then to ask me about them. Jared visibly winced and shifted in his seat, “I don’t think you want to know man!”

“Why not?”

“Because their bad…. But there is a funny one though, want to hear that one?” he laughed, bumping his shoulder off mine playfully.

“Eh ok?”

“Mandy and Clarissa have been saying that you’ve been having an affair with Mr. Spencer!” He laughed shaking his head like it was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard.

“What?!?” I exploded, “Why would they think that?” I tried to visualise every encounter I’d had with Caleb in school, was there anything that could have been interpreted in that way? Did I do something that gave us away?

“Chill, no one believes them. Their just saying it so that enough people will have heard so when she makes her move and he rejects her she can call unfair game!”

“That’s horrible,” I growled making a mental note to warn Caleb. “She’s a bitch.”

We pulled up outside our hotel just as the beginnings of snow began to fall it was mid November and already Christmas hung the air with carols drifting out of stores and Christmas lights twinkled prematurely. Ally appeared at my side flanked by Matt, she threw me one of her defiant smiles as she strode ahead of me into the warm hotel lobby. Matt just nodded awkwardly at Jared and threw me a questionable look before following Ally in.

“What was his problem?” Jared laughed slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder. “He looked at me like he wanted to hit me or something!”

“Don’t take it personally he’s worried for Ally.”

The girls and guys were separated into two groups, Mr. Michaels and Mrs. Swan in charge of the boys. While Caleb and Miss Byrne were in charge of the girls, I couldn’t help put notice all the flirtatious looks being thrown Cal’s way including the ones being thrown by Miss Byrne, she was notoriously slutty and by the way she was looking at Caleb he’s well with in her sights.

“Ok, girls!” Caleb’s voice rang out clear in the half empty lobby, the boys had already been moved off down a hall. “I have here the list of names and rooms; you get a key and roommate. You can’t change your room or your roommate, I mean it!”

A few of the girls groaned and clung to their best friends quietly whispering they hoped they’d get each other. I just stood silent and still, waiting to hear my faith of who I’d be forced to spend the next ten days with, a huge part of me prayed it was Ally.

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