Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

A blind date?!?

The halls were deserted as I made my way to the library, I couldn’t believe what he’d just said. Ca… Mr Spencer had just admitted he’d felt attracted to me. I’d already kind of figured it out but now there was no mystery. But he was still my teacher and I would just have to forget about him, nothing could ever happen between us. I had already decided not to tell Ally about what had happened in detention when I found her sitting at the back of the library flicking through magazines, and texting furiously on her iPhone.

“Hey what’s wrong with you?” I asked sliding into the seat next to her, “You look like your about to fling your phone across the room.”

“Hey aren’t you suppose to be in detention for another…. 40 minutes?” She glanced up at me quizzically.

“You’ll never guess who was supervising my detention….”

"Mr. Spencer?”

“Yep… It was weird but he just let me go early” I said evasively, I really didn’t want to fuel her fire of getting us together because that would just never happen. He’s my teacher and even though I feel unbelievable attracted to him I’d just have to forget about him.

“Eh OK that’s weird.”

“Yea so what’s wrong with you?”

“Well remember when I was trying to set you up with one of Matt’s friends?”


“Well you have a date tonight!”

“What?” I squealed, the last thing I wanted right now was a blind date, I still have Ca… Mr. Spencer on my mind, no way could I sit through a date with another guy. “I can’t go on a date tonight; it’s been too intense of a day.”

“I know but I can’t tell Matt that you’ve fallen in love with our English teacher now can I?”

“I’m not in love with anyone.” I denied, “I just can’t be bothered that’s all.”

“Look, Ems, just go on the date get a free dinner and a free movie out of it and then never call him again. That keeps my Matt happy and off my back I mean, I did pester him all summer to get you a date.”

“Fine… One date but make it a double date so that I don’t have to be alone with him.”

“Ah fine I’ll tell Matt” she groaned flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder, “But you’ll owe me one.”

“No I won’t you’re the one who got me into this mess.”

On the drive back to my apartment Ally filled me in on the guy I was meeting tonight, his name is Jeremy Collins, and he just turned 20 and is currently studying in a college just outside of town. He actually sounded like a nice guy and if I didn’t have a stupid hormone fuelled crush on my teacher than I probably would be all over him like a bad rash.

“He’s exactly what you go for tall, dark and handsome, you never know you might like him more than Mr. Spencer.”

“I don’t like Mr. Spencer… I mean I did when I thought he was just my older neighbour but now… “

“Oh stop denying it,” Ally cut in, “I saw the way you two looked at each other it isn’t normal, there’s something there.”

“Ok fine I do feel something but I’m just going to have to ignore it, I mean nothing could ever happen between us.” Dam it, Ally, why did you have to know me so well?

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