Chapter Six..

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Chapter Six

25 to life

I pulled up outside Ally’s house and saw Mason’s car already parked outside, I hopped out of my car and ran over to him.

“Mason,” I knocked on the window, he smiled when he saw me.

“Emily,” he got out if his car and pulled me into a hug, “It’s been too long sweetheart.”

“Sorry, Mason I was in LA till last week and then school started,” I apologised glancing anxiously at the house; I wanted to run in there and rip that man’s balls off.

“You should of called me the second you were back I was worried sick,” he scolded, “But lets get down to business shall we?”

“Yes please!”

“I have a patrol car on its way to make an official arrest; I also have Judge Warren on call to arraign the sick bastard as soon as he’s brought in to City Hall first thing in the morning. And I have Benson waiting to interrogate the sicko.”

“Great, Mason, thank you,” I cried, tears bursting out of my eyes in one big rush of guilt, “I should have figured it out sooner, I should have helped her sooner. I didn’t even have a clue!”

“Emily, no, you said it yourself she seemed more distant since the winter ball, you just thought it was to do with Matt. There was no way you could have known, she hid it very well.” Mason hugged me tighter.

“No, I’m supposed to be her best friend, I should have figured it out…. I should have seen the signs.”

“Emily there was no signs… Now you listen to me this isn’t your fault,” Mason told me firmly.

“No it’s not but I should have done something…. “

Just then I heard the sirens and saw the blue and red light come flying around the corner, Mason moved away from me and flagged down the patrol car, when the officers got out he whispered something to them and then all three of them marched up to the front door. I watched as they pounded on the door and Greg answered clearly drunk out of his mind. Mason waved a piece of paper in his face as the two officers hand cuffed him and dragged him towards the car. I heard Mason reading Greg his rights as he screamed obscenities at the officers and struggled to get to free. It was then that I stepped out of the shadows and into his path.

“She fucking told you!” Greg roared going red in the face, “That bitch is fucking dead!”

“No she’s safe now because you’re going to jail for the rest of your miserable little life,” I spat staring at the monster in front of me, “Oh and have fun bending down in the showers, don’t worry though it only hurts the first time!”

“You think you’ve won, Emily? This is only starting watch your back bitch,” Greg roared, Mason stepped in between us and stared down at him.

“Don’t threaten my daughter because that won’t end well for you, Mr. Caine,” Mason said coolly giving Greg the death stare he reserved for a special kind of person.

“Greg?” I called before he could be piled into the car and when he turned around I spat in his face.

Mason followed them to police station but I headed home, desperate to see Ally and let her know that he wasn’t getting away with it. Mason had told me that he had confessed to raping her as soon as they presented him with the arrest warrant. I couldn’t wait to tell her that it was over.

“Ally?” I yelled bursting through my front door, “Where are you?”

“We’re in the TV room,” Caleb called. I ran to the TV room and found Ally curled up in a ball on the couch while Caleb sat on the armchair staring at her.

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