chapter 8

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The time line is too slow~ i cant help it. Sorry guys

Seonghwa's pov

Around 5.30 o'clock, we already finished packing my things. The only things to do is to bring all of it to yunho's.

"Okay hwa hyung. Is there any thing more? " yunho ask. I shake my head. I put the last box inside of yunho's truck. Well, he is crazy rich so its not weird even if he has a freakin ferry right?

We get inside of the truck, yunho is at the driver seat, yeosang beside him while im in the back seat. "Lets go now! " yeosang say happily.

The drives to yunho's house takes 45 minutes and its really booooringggg. I want to start my conversation with yeosang but all i can see is him chatting with the red haired boy.

He looks happy. I smile like a proud mom. Then, i look at yunho. He is humming to the song that being played by him.

I cant stand the silent so i decided to talk. "Well... I know about yeosang having some crush on that red haired boy" yeosang chock with his own spit.

"H.. Hyung! N.. No. I don't have any cr.. Crush on jongho! " yeosang say with a very red face. He hide his blushing face with his right hand.

I chuckle. "Yeah, yeah whatever. I dont even mention that jongho kid's name. Back to the topic. How about you, big bear? " i ask to yunho.

Yunho panic a little but he manage to calm down. "Well, remember the boy that i confessed a while ago in high school? " me and yeosang nod. Yunho sigh.

"I met him today. But he didnt remember me. And i know i still like him" yunho say. I smile at him. "Im proud of you yunho. This is what we called destiny honey. He will fall for you. And i guarantee that" i give him confirmation.

He look at me through mirror and smile. "Thanks hyung. Anyway~ how about you hyung? " yunho's question makes me remember hongjoong.

"How about me what? " i ask nervously. "Well, i saw how you stare at the handsome but short guy yesterday " "HE IS NOT SHORT! " i accidentally shout in panic.

Yeosang smirk. "Yeah, he is not in love. I bet the chicken trust that " yeosang say in sarcasm. Then, we continue to talk with each other until we reach yunho's house.

Yunho get out from the car first and say, "here we are. Home sweet home. Lets go hyung. I'll show you your room " yunho lead me to one of the room.

I froze in amaze. "Yu.. Yunho. This is too big for a room. " i say. Yes, his house is big but i never expect a room would be this big. Yunho and yeosang chuckle.

"I didnt have any room smaller than this. Lets start to bring all your things inside. " yunho say. All three of us bring all my things together.

Around 7.00 pm we finished everything. Yeosang and yunho already lie on my bed. They look so exhausted. I shake my head as i put the last book inside my shelf.

Both of them already asleep. "Lets see what we have so i can cook for them" i walk towards kitchen and start to cook something for them.

I know something that they didn't know i know (what the heck is this 😂)
I know that both of them didn't cook even if they can because they are too lazy.

I cook a simple dishes, some stir-fried vegetables with korean style chicken. Once the rice cooked, i wake the two up.

"Hey yunho, yeosang. Wake up. Lets eat" yeosang push my hands away while yunho move a little. "5 minutes more eomma" yunho say.

I giggle. They are cute. "Im not your eomma. And no, no. You need to eat now. Or i will throw away all the chicken that i cook"

Yeosang immediately wake up and say, "chicken?! " i nod with a smile. Yeosang run to the kitchen and sit like a good son he is and wait patiently.

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