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no one pov

its the day, the day that seonghwa and hongjoong have been waiting for. its exactly a month from the day hongjoong propose to seonghwa.  seonghwa fidget with his fingers as he can feel nervousness is eating him up. the make up artist already done with his face, only applied light make up. this is what he wear.

he is too anxious and afraid that he would mess this up

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he is too anxious and afraid that he would mess this up. yeosang notice this so he sit beside seonghwa. "hey hyung. dont be too anxious. you look good. hell no, you look gorgeous" yeosang says as he caress seonghwa's hand. 

"what if i trip when i walk there? what if i fail to vow? what if-" "okay stop right there hyung. you are going to be just fine okay? about tripping, you are not wearing a dress, how would you trip?" yeosang chuckle. seonghwa manage to calm down with his friend beside him. then, he hear someone chatting outside the room. 

he assume its wooyoung and san based on their voice. "where is yunho?" seonghwa ask to yeosang. "he is preparing the light snack area. mr kim paid us high enough that he felt if he mess up he will be doom" seonghwa smile at yeosang. his friends didnt call hongjoong by his name yet but he knows they will use to it someday.

not long after that, san gets inside with a smile. "seonghwa hyung! yeosangie!" san hug both of them. "you guys look perfect and gorgeous today" san compliment them. "same goes to you san." seonghwa says.

(its basically informal so yes, san can wear whatever he want

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(its basically informal so yes, san can wear whatever he want . same goes with yeosang)

 same goes with yeosang)

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mr secretary ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora