chapter 1

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Before we start,, that picture kinda shows their ship right? No? Im the only one? Okay

No one's pov


The cafe's door bell ring shows that there's someone come inside the very beautiful cafe. One of the worker is still cleaning even though the working hour has ended a while ago.

" im sorry, we have closed" said a very pretty guy without even looking at the person that just come in. "Yes i know. I want to meet you and yunho" hearing the familiar voice, the worker turn around and see his best friend

" i didnt see you there hyung. Im sorry. Have a sit, i will call yunho for you. Wait for us" the worker then goes inside and come out again with a tall guy that looks like a dog, a cute tall dog.

The tall guy smile and say, " hye seonghwa. Why didnt you tell me that you are coming? I will close the cafe earlier. Hey yeosang, come sit with us" the pretty face guy named yeosang come sit with them

Seonghwa smile but eventually the smile fade away. He sigh and say, " i lost my job" " AGAIN?! " Ask yunho and yeosang in unison. Seonghwa nod weakly.

They look at each other. " but why? I thought you said that this one would be permanent. " ask yeosang. "Me too. But then, the boss fired me just because of the girl that i told you guys before. " they all sigh.

" you mean the one that you rejected before? But how? " yunho ask. " well, you know, i am just a low rank employee. That girl is pretty so she flirt with my boss and convince him to fire me just to get a revenge on me. " seonghwa says with a disappointed face.

" i feel sorry for you hyung. But its okay, i heard a lot of bad news about that company too. The thing is, how about your house rent? Your money? " ask yeosang. Seonghwa face change gloomy again.

He take a deep breath and reply, " he already give me my salary for this month but i dont know how long it could stand. And about my house rent, there's something i need to tell you guys. " " well just tell us hwa hyung. We are always for you" says yunho.

" i dont think i could pay my house rent if i dont get any job soon enough. So if get kicked out from that house, can i goes to yours? Maybe just for a while, at least until i get a permanent job. Can i? " ask seonghwa.

Yunho's parents is rich and they bought a big house for him. Because of lonely, he ask yeosang to stay with him and yeosang gladly agreed since he dont want to stay alone. Yunho's parents also brought him a cafe as he wish.

(Huhu,, can i have yunho's parents as mine? 😢)

Yunho put his hand on seonghwa's shoulder and rub it. "Of course you can. You are my friend. I will help you no matter what. " yeosang nod. Seonghwa touched by yunho's words.

He really appreciate his two best friends. They really always been there for him. Even if yeosang and yunho is younger than him he treat them like friends.

"So how about you work here for a while at least until you get a new job soon? Can we take hwa hyung working here yunho? Please, please" yeosang beg to yunho with a sparkling eyes.

Yunho laugh at his action. "Of course we can. If you want, hyung. Do you want to work here? " seonghwa think for a while before reply, "alright then. I will be the part time worker here. Thank you guys. I really appreciate it. " seonghwa hug his two bestfriend.

'I cant rely on them too much. They already help me so much. I feel sorry for them. ' seonghwa thought to himself.

They break their group hug and smile at each other. "So, lets clean up and go back. I know you guys tired. I will help" seonghwa say. The three of them clean up the cafe together with laughter filling up the atmosphere.

Later on, they all goes to their own home. Seonghwa drive alone while yeosang ride with yunho since they live together. They wave goodbye and seonghwa promise yunho and yeosang to come working tomorrow.

At seonghwa's house

Seonghwa's pov

I arrive safely at my house. Well, soon wont be my house anymore. The salary that i got will only be able to pay for last month rent and my daily meal.

I sigh. 'How can i live like this? ' i thought to myself. I have too much problem already. "thats it for today. Lets take a bath to cool down myself and sleep. " i go to my room while hoping that tomorrow will be a good day.

After take a refreshing bath, i get ready to sleep. Then, i hear my phone chiming the sign that i receive a message.

Bestie 💜

Hyung, have you
arrived you house?

Please respond cause
im worry

Yun tall guy
Dont worry yeosang
im sure he is

Right hyung?

Toothless hwa
Yes i am

Dont worry guys

Hey, when do i need
to come tomorrow?

Yun tall guy
Oh, i forgot to tell you

You can come either in
the evening or morning

Since you are only a
part timer

Which one do you want

I suggest you to take the
evening shift since
you want to search for
a job later.

Toothless hwa
You are right yeosang

I will take the evening

Yun tall guy
Then, you need to come by
3.00 pm

Your shift end by 8.00 pm

You can go home after the
clean up

Is it okay for you hyung?

Toothless hwa
Of course 😊

Thank you yunho

Go to sleep

Dont stay up too late

Good night 🌛

Hehet,, i wont eomma

Good night to you too

Sweet dreams

Yun tall guy
Good night eomma

I mean hyung

I smile when i read their reply. I put phone on charger and make sure to put on the alarm for tomorrow before going to sleep.

I hope tomorrow will be better. It will right?

Good night~

Thats it for the first chapter. Its kinda a mess but i hope you like it. Please comment and vote. Thank you for reading. Will see you on the next chapter. Saranghae >o<

Ps : i will be one of the character so dont hate me for that. Hehe

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