chapter 14

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the same night...

no one's pov

after seonghwa goes to his room with hongjoong, wooyoung take san's hand off his mouth and say, " what is that?! dont tell me they are dating" san let out heavy breath. " calm down wooyoungie, maybe seonghwa hyung has his own reason. i dont think hongjoong hyung wants to date again after that" san say as he stand up to get a cup of water.

"i agree with san. hongjoong look sick tho. i think maybe he overwork himself?" yeosang say. all of them nodding as they know how hongjoong is. but yunho and yeosang didnt go unnoticed about the fact that san accidently told them something but they choose to ignore it.

yunho then stand up to gives seonghwa a small towel and come back after a few minutes. "now, are we going to continue?" ask san when he want to sit down with a cup of water and some snack in his hand. before he could sit beside wooyoung, wooyoung already pull him softly to sit on his lap. "sit here, i want to hug something" wooyoung whisper into san's ear which make him blushing. wooyoung smirk at the other respond and decided to stop the tease.

wooyoung then take the snack and the water from san and put it on the table near them. "i.. im heavy. your leg will feel numb soon wooyoungie" san say but wooyoung hold san's waist and eventually put his head on san's shoulder to seek comfort. " you're not heavy and please dont say that. i hate it. stay here. i told you i want to hug something. but if you dont want, i can hug yeosang instead" wooyoung's words make san feel jealous somehow

san didnt reply but he pout instead and stay in wooyoung embrace making him blush even more.

yunho chuckle at the two behavior. " looks like we got two couple upcoming later." yunho say and turn his head to yeosang. but to his surprise, yeosang is chatting with jongho. how he know? who else yeosang will be chatting when he smile like an idiot like that. only jongho.

yeosang feel yunho gaze and turn to him. "what is it again yunho?" he ask as he hide his phone from yunho. yunho sigh and reply, "now its going to be three" yeosang gives him a confuse look and ask, " what three?" "nothing, enjoy chatting with jongho. wooyoung and san, im going upstairs to sleep. you can continue the movie." all of them nod except a blushing yeosang.

"hey!im not chatting jongho!" yeosang pout as he try to hide his blush. " yeah, whatever you say yeo. im going. bye" yunho ruffle yeosang's hair before he walk towards his room on the second floor. but he didnt go straight to his bed.

yunho decides to take some of night gentle breeze so he open the wide window in his room and sit on a small bed there. (you know what? im suck at explaining. let me just attached some picture)

 let me just attached some picture)

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(something like that)

he feel calm like that. suddenly his phone light up with pop up notification from his instagram

instagram: min.gay_ started following you. follow back?

'who is this gay guy?' yunho thought but he didnt follow that guy back. instead he stalk that stranger first. "0 post. no photo tagged. who is he?? but he is quite popular, lots of people follows him and he also follow a lot of random account. no clue at all" yunho say after 30 minutes stalking that weird account owner.

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