Script template.

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This is a basic script template.

Full name-
Eye color-
Hair color-
Body type-
Five positive traits I have-
Five negative traits I have-

(For Hogwarts)
Blood status-
Wand type-
Am I an animagus?
Am I a parselmouth?
Am I a death eater?
Am I a student, a professor?
I am immune to the three unforgivable curses.
I am free of the possibility of being expelled or sent to Azkaban.
Truth serum does not work on me.
No one is able to read my mind.
I know my way around the castle.
I can easily remember the names of spells and the wand movements that go with them.
I am good at flying on a broom.

I go to school/work at-
I live at-
I am friends with-
I am romantically interested in-
My desired reality is free of homophobia, Islamophobia, biphobia, transphobia, ableism, racism, and any other kind of discrimination.
People find me funny.
People like talking to me.
People find me attractive.
I always have a date to an event.
Am I wealthy?
Is my family respected?

I am free of the possibility of death.
What is my pain tolerance?
I never smell bad.
My skin is smooth and soft.
I have no hair on my legs, armpits, face, etc.
My hair is never greasy.
I have good eyesight.
I have good mental health.
I am free of the risk of pregnancy.
I am free of the risk of STDS.
I am free of my period.

For every ____ that passes in my DR, ____ pass in my CR.
My eyes automatically open when I have fully shifted to my Desired reality.
I am free of attachment from my CR.
I can sleep in my DR without returning to my CR.
Every time I shift it gets easier.
I have all of my memories from both of my CR and DR.
I cannot obtain any lasting trauma or heartbreak.
I am free of people that are suspicious of me in any way.

I always have good comebacks.
I always have soft lips.
I have always have makeup supplies.
I am a good dancer.
I have a closet full of clothes I love.
I am a pretty crier, yawner and sleeper.
I have neat handwriting.
I am good at singing.
I have an iPod or phone that I can use to play any song I want.

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