The Raven Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

After you have meditated, make sure you are about half asleep/a few minutes from falling asleep. I suggest listening to a subliminal. Make sure you're calm and have a positive energy. You can lay in any position now. Once you are comfortable in that position, do not move. This is important. Count from 1-100 in your head. Say "I have shifted" between every number. If you find your thoughts wandering, try to center yourself and keep focused. Visualize your DR and where you will wake up/with who/what you look like.Once you reach 100, do not move at all or open your eyes. Repeat affirmations to yourself as you slowly drift off into sleep. ("i have shifted." "I am in my desired reality." "I have already shifted to my desired reality." etc)

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