The Best Crystals for shifting.

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I've been wanting to make a chapter about crystals for a while, I know i've gotten requests for this so here you go lol. I'll most likely be making more chapters on crystals so expect that. Anyways I'll be listing the best crystals to use for shifting/manifestation and their properties. These are mostly my opinions and what works for me. I use all of these.

These are all effective but I placed the ones that have manifestation and success properties at the top.

1. Clear Quartz- manifestation, desire, alignment

2. Lodolite- high energy, manifestation, intention

3. Green Aventurine- opportunity, luck, success

4. Obsidian- removes negativity, provides protection and peace of mind 

5. Amethyst- meditation, contentment, connection to your higher self

6. Lapis Lazuli- self knowledge, integrity, truth

7. Tiger's Eye- motivation, prosperity

Bonus crystal/side note- Rose Quartz is good for love, new relationships, confidence (this is good for shifting if you intend to have a significant other in your desired reality or you want to feel closer to them!)

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