The 54321 Method.

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I am not the creator of this method.

I know this technique mostly as a coping mechanism for anxiety but I've recently heard people saying that they've have great results when using this for shifting. Do you ever find yourself getting too in your head while shifting? Or not being able to shift your environment? This method is great for getting lost in the process and really enhancing your senses and tuning into your desired reality.

Get into a comfy position. You can meditate first (I prefer to) to calm your mind and set intentions, but of course you don't have to. This method is usually pretty straightforward (But of course you can always mix it with other methods) so you might want to make sure that you are relaxed and ready to dive right in when using this. I've seen this used In multiple different orders but here's what I use. Imagine five different things you can feel. Whether it be your hand tingling, the clothes on your skin, your body making contact with whatever you are resting on, etc. Then four things you can hear, three things you can smell, two things you can see and one thing you can taste.
Feel- my head spinning, my socks on my feet, my shirt on my stomach, my hand tingling, my body temperature changing.
Hear- my family talking, my brother laughing, plates and silverware clattering, my breathing.
Smell- Cinnamon, my clothes, pancakes.
See- colors and white light.
Taste- mint.
If you don't think that you physically feel something, try to trick your brain into actually experiencing it.

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