Chapter 15

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The last week seemed repetitive. Classes, dinner, studying, homework, and then DADA project. With Draco.

Our fight sorta strained things between us and it was the same thing every night. He came in, we sat in silence and stared out the window. No words being exchanged, just glances.

So I had absolutely no reason to look forward to him getting here. And if we were being honest, the only reason I hadn't fucking lost it would be because we only had a week left until break. And time couldn't have moved any fucking slower.

I threw on Terence's T-shirt, not bothering to change out of my shorts. It was just Draco, he didn't deserve my effort. Definitely wasn't worth it either.

I was honestly ecstatic that it was the weekend, I would have a break from him for 2 days. Since it was a Friday, my last two periods were free so Draco and I could meet earlier and be done by dinner time.

I curled up in the window seat and opened 'Pride and Prejudice,' turning to the page I'd left off. I completely ignored the sound of Draco's footsteps as he entered the room, silently shutting the door behind him.

My eyes wandered the page aimlessly, unable to focus on any of the words. In fact, they all seemed to swim together, tangling into a pile of confusion. My eyes slowly drifted to Draco as he sat across from me, his attention focused on the book cover.

My eyes returned to the page, continuing our newly founded routine. I would read, Draco would stare out the window, we would remain silent and ignore each other until it was sometime past 2am, and then Draco would get up and leave, only to return and redo the cycle the next night.

I wasn't one to break routine. So this is how it would go. I would probably just throw a bunch of bullshit together to turn in to Snape and hope it was convincing enough. Just had to write some shit about how Draco wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps or something.

"I can't fucking take this anymore. What the fuck am I doing here if we're just gonna keep ignoring each other?" Draco snapped, his voice cruelly ripping through the silence.

I closed my book, slipping in a piece of paper to mark my place. My eyes darted up to meet his, confusion creasing my forehead.

"I just thought that after last time... you wouldn't want to talk." I shrugged, placing the book down in front of me.

"Fucking hell. You realize we're gonna fail this class because of your incompetence." He breathed, rolling his eyes at me.

"You have some fucking nerve. My incompetence? How about you? You have no clue how to have a conversation without it ending in an argument." I snarled, sitting up straight, my finger jabbing his chest.

"Pointing fingers? What a fucking joke. Fond of playing children's games?" He smirked, shoving my hand away.

"Stop doing that!" I yelled, growing aggravated.

"Doing what?" Draco asked, confusion plastering his face as he tilted his head.

"Doing that! Acting so clueless and two faced! You keep putting up this cold front and as soon as I manage to find the slightest weak spot, you build another fucking wall!"

I could feel my blood beginning to boil, being heated by all the pent up anger and confusion Draco continued to cause me.

"You're right." He shrugged, running his hand through his hair as the fierceness is his voice melted away.

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