Chapter 23

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I woke with my entire head spinning, as if on a rollercoaster that spun in circles until the squeamish 12 year old got sick and vomited all over everyone else.

At first I was unsure of where I was, not being able to recount much of the night before.

"Daphne, is it cool if I stay in your room for the night?"

I called through the shut door, hand resting hesitantly on the knob, awaiting a response with my fingers crossed.

There was absolutely no way I was gonna give in and go back to Draco's room. Not after that.

I rested my ear against the wood and listened as Daphne mumbled incoherent words.

"What?" I asked, squeezing my eyes shut and holding my breathe in attempt to hear her.

"Yeah, come in." She mumbled louder.

I released my breathe and turned the knob, pushing the door open and making my way through the dark room, stumbling across the luggage strewn about the floor.

I sprawled out on the couch and pulled the throw blanket over my shoulders, shivering in the late night winter breeze that found its way through the broken window seal.

"Fucking hell, did I get hit by a train in my sleep? I feel 5 seconds from death" I groaned, wincing as I rubbed my temples.

"Well, you sure do look like it" Pansy cackled, her pug-ish face distorting with whatever unholy noise it was that came from her mouth.

"Hey Pansy,"


"Fuck you." I said sweetly, smiling as I flipped her off.

"It's way too early, could we not?" Daphne groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Right. Sorry," I shrugged, giving Pansy another quick middle finger "I think I need a shower."

Quick escape. Something I seemed to be very good at. My running away skills were exceptional.

Maybe that was a good thing. But in the moment, Pansy's witchy laugh was like nails on a chalk board, high pitched and enough to make me seriously consider that window again.


As soon as the bathroom door was shut, I could feel my head beginning to spin again.

Flashes of Draco and I's conversation- or lack there of- from last night, flooding back in overwhelming amounts.

Why couldn't he answer?

Truly, what was I to him?

What were we?

It felt so imperative that I find out, and an enormous detrimental wake up call that Draco couldn't answer.

Was I nothing?

Nothing more than a quick fuck. And I was completely unsure as to why I kept trying to convince myself it was more.

Because that's it. I was merely another girl on his list.

I applied pressure to my temple with the palm of my hand as I closed my eyes, hoping to shut my mind up but only resulting in more unwelcome thoughts.

"I'm not fucking stupid. I know she's in there" a voice growled, followed by the sound of a door slamming opened.

"Draco, the least you can do is calm down, you really think she's gonna appreciate you barging in there?" I heard Daphne scold.

Obsessively Yours {Draco Malfoy 18+}Where stories live. Discover now