Chapter 14

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Draco and I didn't actually discuss our project plan. I sorta just expected him to show up at my door. And I wasn't that far off either, except he didn't show up at my door and wait for me to open it like a gentleman, he barged in while I was half naked, still drying my hair.

"In the mood already? I've hardly even walked through the door. Besides, we have a project to be working on." Draco smirked, his cocky tone of voice making me want to jump from the window.

"Fuck off. Let's just get started." I snapped, quickly pulling my shirt over my head.

I took a seat in the window, pulling my knees up to my chest and watched as Draco cautiously sat across from me. It was sometime past midnight and the way his features were accentuated by the moonlight made my breath catch in my throat.

His smoky eyes seemed to sparkle with the reflection of the stars as he stared out the window and his jaw line was sharp. He was an absolute ethereal sight. Too beautiful to be true.

Too beautiful to be such an ass.

"Stop staring, Smith." He chuckled, turning his attention to me.

A small smile broke across his face before he refocused on the stars again.

"You know, I always liked the stars. Filled with so many secrets and yet, they never tell. So mysterious. So tantalizing. When I was a boy, my mother and father would spend weeks on work trips. I was always alone that way. And I enjoyed it. The silence. Just me and the stars. Unfamiliar things make me nervous. Uneasy. But the stars? They were always there, I could always count on them to be shining outside my window every night. Friendly. Warm."

The way Draco talked was almost hypnotic. I watched as he bit his lip, probably realizing that he'd shared too much. Let the mask fall too low again. His fingers tangled through his hair as he let out a sigh.

"What about you? What's with your fascination with books?" He prodded, keeping his gaze out the window.

"I've always enjoyed reading. It took me away. My own little escape from reality. My father used to read to me until he... and I guess I carried on the habit. Inherited his need for knowledge. To be able to understand how everything works and why. It makes me feel prepared, like nothing can blindsight me." I shrugged, pulling my knees closer to my chest.

It was ironic though. To tell Draco that I felt as if nothing could blindsight me. Especially when he was the walking definition of that. Completely unreadable. Unpredictable. Unsolvable.

"Doesn't it get exhausting?" He questioned.

Draco's eyes floated back to me, searching my face for any sort of reaction. I bit my lip and turned away, adverting my gaze. I could feel my cheeks growing warm, no doubt getting red. It was weird, having a conversation with him. An actual conversation. He seemed so human.

It was odd, Draco wasn't an open book. You could spend hours looking for answers and you would never find them. Not unless he wanted you to. But right then, he was vulnerable. and the way he looked at me, his eyes swirling with curiosity, it reminded me of a deer caught in headlights. He had some sort of innocence.

"Of course it does. But how about you? Doesn't it get exhausting to play a character? To keep up such a tough facade? Pretending to be someone you're not?"

Draco flinched, his body tensing at my words. I knew he didn't want to answer, that part was obvious. But wether he was going to regardless, that was the real question.

Obsessively Yours {Draco Malfoy 18+}Where stories live. Discover now