Chapter 2

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It was sometime after 12 and I slipped from my bed, stalking over to my dresser to change into something easily accessible. Not that I was expecting anything to actually happen. High hopes, I guess.

Somebody knocked on my door, causing me to jump a bit.

"Terence? I was just about to head over." I said, walking up to the door.

I opened it and my breath caught in my throat.

"What? Not happy to see me?" Draco asked, mocking a tone of hurt.

He stepped in, closing the door behind him and locking it. I could feel my palms begin to sweat as I backed away from him, curious of what he was doing yet, afraid of whatever it was he had planned.

"I heard you have plans with Terence. Too bad you're gonna have to cancel." He hissed, moving closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked cautiously, not daring to remove my eyes from him.

My back hit the wall and I gulped. This seemed way too familiar. How did I keep ending up cornered by him?

Once again, I could smell the mint on his breath, I tried pushing him away but that only fueled him. His hand snaked aggressively around my throat while his other searched my body, tracing delicately down my hip.

I gasped at his touch, his ring digging into my neck, the cold silver causing me to shiver. I closed my eyes, trying to catch my breath.

"What's the matter? Cant handle it when I touch you?" He asked, as his hand slithered further down my hip.

"Don't you have other whores to fuck? What makes you think I'm your play toy?" I spat, trying again to pull away from him.

His grip only tightened around my throat as he leaned into me. I could feel his breath fanning against my neck.

"No fun in using second hand toys. Besides, Malfoy's don't do hand-me-downs." He whispered, his tongue lightly grazing my ear.

I held my breath, trying not to give into the way he was making me feel, the buzzing sensation in my stomach. My nerves were telling me to kiss him right then and there.

"If you're gonna fuck me, do it. I don't like being teased." I spat, quirking my eyebrow at him.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I was gonna regret them. Draco didn't like being told what to do. He had to be dominate, he had to have all control. No talking back, no attitude.

Draco removed his hand from my throat and roughly grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look directly in his eyes.

"What was that, Smith?" He growled, his grip tightening on my jaw.

"I said, if you're gonna fuck me, do. It." I repeated, a smirk growing on my face.

"Do not tempt me." He snarled, his hand that was resting on my hip, sliding further down my body as the hand on my jaw slid back to my throat.

I could feel my heart beginning to pound as goosebumps grew on my skin, flinching at his touch. I tried pushing away his hand but that only caused him to grow more determined.

His hand around my throat flew up and snatched both my wrists, holding them in place above my head.

"That was a mistake, darling." He hissed.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, Draco's lips roughly collided with mine, sending electricity down my spine and throughout my entire body. He trailed kisses down my neck, stopping at my collar bone to leave marks.

A groan escaped my lips, causing him to smirk and suck harder. His hand sliding in between my thighs, tracing circles on my skin. I bit my lip, trying to choke back the pleasure.

"Draco." I murmured, my eyes closing tightly.

"Look at me. I wanna see your eyes as I make you scream with pleasure." He snapped.

I opened my eyes, staring into his which seemed to burn intensely with lust.

His hand lifted my skirt and I could feel him moving his fingers along my stomach, tracing the waist band of my underwear. My gaze remained unfaltering as he continued to tease me, moving his hand back down to my thighs, riding them up.

"Fucking. Do. It." I snarled between breaths. "Don't be a pussy, Draco. Show me how you're gonna make me scream with pleasure."

I watched a fire light in his eyes at my challenge, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Challenge accepted."

His hand snaked to my underwear, pulling at my waistband. I held my breath, unsure if this was really happening or just some fucked up trick my brain was playing on me.

Draco's attitude suddenly changed, his eyes grew with concern as they met mine, as if saying 'are you sure?' I nodded my head before closing my eyes, awaiting what was gonna happen next.

I gasped as I felt him slide my underwear to the side, running his finger over my nerves. I bit my lip, holding back moans as he slowly slipped his middle finger inside me, kissing my neck. I arched my back in pleasure and tilted my head to the side, allowing him more surface on my neck to leave marks.

Draco moved his finger slowly, inserting another one as he began thrusting them in and out, his thumb circling my clit as he curled his fingers inside me.

"Say it. Say my name." He whispered, biting my collar bone.

"Draco." I moaned, biting my lip.

I could feel the knot in my stomach beginning to loosen as I grew closer. Butterflies swarming around in my stomach. And then it stopped. The pleasure stopped, and I was left panting.

Draco removed his fingers and was smirking at me, a look of accomplishment plastered on his face.

"Told you." He laughed, pulling away from me and walking to the door.

"You're such a dick." I spat, trying to regain a normal heart beat as I continued panting.


After Draco left, I threw myself frustratingly onto my bed, upset with how close I had come to pure bliss.

I knew Draco was a tease, but to deny me such pleasures? It felt as if that was almost too far. But if that's how he was gonna play it, then so be it. I could play just as dirty.

I closed my eyes, flipping to my side to try and get some sleep. My mind kept replaying it. His breath hot against my lips, his hands trailing down my thighs and up my skirt. My core was still burning with unreleased pleasure.

Fucking prick.

My mind was racing with thoughts of him. How in the world had he remained a puzzle for so fucking long? How could he be so repulsing, yet, so magnetic.

I tried to blame it on the teenage hormones, and maybe that was all it was. But I still longed to have his hand around my throat once more, his lips on my collar bone.

And then it hit me. Not like a tennis ball to the jaw, more like a train. Terence. I was supposed to meet him, or maybe I wasn't? Either way, how in the fuck was I supposed to explain this to him?

Did I have to?

I slammed my head into my pillow.

Of course I had to tell him. He's my best friend for fuck sakes.

I could feel guilt replacing that feeling of pleasure. Creating every scenario that could possibly play out when I told Terence how Draco had fingered me. Not only was it my first time. But Draco was the first person to ever go further than kissing with me.

And I knew Terence would hate that. After all the times I denied him and I so carelessly let Draco pin me to a wall and seduce me.

Terence is gonna fucking hate me.

Obsessively Yours {Draco Malfoy 18+}Where stories live. Discover now