Chapter 3

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I woke up in a cold sweat sometime around 2am. Having absolutely no idea when the fuck my brain finally stopped replaying those events and let me sleep.

I groaned, clutching my head. It felt as though I had been hit by a semi-truck and then peeled off of the road. Or, simply put, I felt like shit. My head was throbbing and my stomach was being squeezed by my intestines which were tying themselves into knots.

It was quite rude to wake up feeling hung over when I hadn't had the pleasure of drinking alcohol and forgetting everything for the night.

I stuck my middle finger up into the air, cursing god for fucking me over so early in the morning.

"Syd? Can I come in?" Someone said, knocking lightly on my door.

I walked to the door, cracking it a bit. To my surprise, I was staring straight into Terence's eyes.

"Tee, it's like 2am. Why are you awake?" I questioned, tugging my t-shirt down, suddenly aware that I had nothing else on.

"I uhm- I can't sleep." He mumbled, his eyes tracing down my legs.

"What do you want." I questioned, rather aggressively.

"Can I stay? Please?" He pleaded, giving me that fucking puppy dog look that I could never seem to turn down.

"Yeah. Whatever. Come in." I muttered, walking back to my bed and slipping back under the covers.

Terence entered, quietly closing the door behind him. He stood in front of my bed, awkwardly shuffling his feet, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"Stop standing there, you're making me uncomfortable." I rolled my eyes. "Come here." I patted the bed.

Terence hesitated for a second before climbing into the bed next to me, resting his head on my chest. For some odd reason, I found my heart beginning to pound.

Terence and I had had sleep overs multiple times before. It wasn't like it was something new or unusual. And yet, I could feel my heart palpitating nervously inside my chest.

"Thank you." He whispered sleepily.

I combed my fingers through his hair gently, listening to his breathing which seemed to slow until he was asleep. I let out a sigh. For what reason? I wasn't sure.

There was just something about feeling somebody on your chest, their heart beating against you and their breath fanning against your collar bone. It felt so serene, peaceful.

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to slip away, completely exhausted.


"What the fuck."

My eyes snapped open and darted over to my door. Panic taking over as I felt something weighing down on my chest before realization hit me. It was Terence. Last night wasn't a dream. He had come in and fell asleep on top of my chest.

Draco stood in front of my door, a look of disgust mixed with shock.


I knew exactly what it looked like. Exactly what Draco was thinking.

"So what? After I left, you let Higgs fuck you?" He spat angrily, slamming the door shut behind him and glaring at me.

I began panicking again as I felt Terence stir, lifting his head from my chest and looking up at Draco.

Fucking fuck. I am so fucking screwed.

"What's Malfoy talking about?" Terence asked, sitting up and stretching.

Obsessively Yours {Draco Malfoy 18+}Where stories live. Discover now