Chapter 22

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It was peaceful, at first.

His chest heaving up and down, his breath on the back of my neck as I rested my head on his chest. His heart, beating in my ear.

The warmth of his hand on my back, seeping through my shirt and sending jolts up and down my spine.

And it all felt as though the world simply could have melted away.

Could have.

Except there was one thing stopping me from slipping away, into unconsciousness: a mumbling voice, matched with Draco's thrashing body, as if he'd been fighting with something. Clearly losing.

"Draco? Are you alright?" I mumbled, sleepily lifting my head from his chest to catch a glimpse of him.

Draco's movements grew more frantic and I watched helplessly as his eyes darted around under his eyelids.

"Draco? Hey? Draco? Wake up, you're alright!" I called, hoping to pull him back from his unconscious state.

Draco continued to thrash, incoherent words leaving his mouth in a desperate cry as I racked my brain for something, anything, a sign of what to do.

I sat up, gripping his shoulders and lightly shook him, I could feel his muscles twitching under my touch, sweat plastering his bleach blonde hair to his forehead.

"Draco, you're alright, wake up!" I tried again, panic setting in and constricting my lungs.

Because what was happening?

Because what would happen if he didn't wake up?

Suddenly Draco shot up, his hands wrapping around my forearms, harshly digging his fingertips into my skin.

But he was awake.

Awake, so why would I care about how badly it hurt?

Awake, so why would I pay any mind to the bruises he would no doubt leave?

"You're okay, breathe, you're okay." I whispered, my hand cupping his face in a feeble attempt to calm down the boy in front of me.

"Sydney" Draco panted, still half asleep as he continued to cling to me.

"Yes, I'm here. Right here."

It was then that I think he was aware. Aware of what had just happened. What I'd just seen. Aware of the crippling embarrassment that was creeping up his neck and across his cheeks.

"Are you alright? What happened?" I questioned, trying to ignore my fingertips burning at the loss of contact as he stood.

"I'm fine. Bad dream." He shrugged, leaning against the bed post.

"Want to talk about it?"

It was a ridiculous question. I knew he wouldn't want to. I knew he would just shut me out. Again.

But it was nothing new, was it? Because it always went the same way. And I was a hypocrite. Because hadn't I had a bad dream and refused to tell him?

"No, I really don't." Draco sighed, his hand running through his hair.

I found myself biting my tongue. Choking down all the bitter words I'd wanted to say. Now wasn't the time, something was wrong.

"If you change your mind."

I gave Draco one last, thorough look, examining his face. Taking note of the bags under his eyes. Observing his pale skin, more pale than what would be considered usual.

Obsessively Yours {Draco Malfoy 18+}Where stories live. Discover now