Chapter 13- Concerning Situations

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"Darling, I'm home!" I called, walking into the main foyer of our house with a smile as one of the maids took my coat, cane and top hat. The smile quickly fell off my face when I didn't hear the pittering and pattering sound of her running feet heading towards me.

"Where is my wife?" I turned to ask the maid with a glare.

Did I do something wrong again? Is she still suspicious about my relationship with Leilani? After I spent most of last night proving to her that she was the only woman in my life? I'm sure the rest of the house heard her too, was I not good enough?

"The lady isn't feeling well today. She retired early," The maid said and I huffed, running a hand through my hair. This was a first, what has gotten her feeling unwell? Or is she lying? She knows how I hate liars so she wouldn't lie to me.

I walked through the house, towards our room and threw the door open to be met with darkness. Shutting the door behind me, I lit one of the candles and walked over to the sleeping figure of my wife on the bed. She wasn't even sleeping under the covers.

I placed the candle on the side cabinet and sat beside her sleeping figure, outstretching a hand to stroke her face and she stirred, her face scrunching up at the sudden distraction.

"Are you unwell?" I asked when she woke up.

"I'll be fine... When did you get back?... I'm sorry, I fell asleep," She yawned, rubbing at the tiredness in her eyes and I breathed out a small smile, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Do not worry about me. Sleep," She smiled at me, outstretching her arms and I laughed, leaning into them as she desired, wrapping her arms around my neck in a hug and I did the same, wrapping my arms around her waist.

Kissing her shoulder, I heaved her up into my arms, sitting her down on my lap and brushing her hair out of the way, simply admiring her stunning beauty.

"What do you want me to do?" I whispered, my lips hovering over hers. She leaned in and closed the gap, closing her eyes as she kissed me and I kissed back without complaint, not needing her to word out her thoughts.

"Shall I call a doctor?" I whispered, placing her under the covers of the bed while simultaneously working to strip her of her simple nightgown.

"I'm fine now," She pulled me back down.

The next day, I was sat at the head of the table in our large dining room, painted pictures of my ancestors hung around the room and the aroma of tea wafting around the brightly lit room thanks to all the sunlight shining through the large windows as I waited for my wife to finish getting ready before she came down to join me for breakfast.

Eventually, I heard the sound of her feet hitting the tiled floor until I saw her. Putting the newspaper that I had been reading down, I got up and picked her up in my arms, spinning us around as she laughed.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"Nothing to worry about," She diverted and I raised a brow but didn't push for a proper answer and instead, sat her down on her chair, pushing her under the table and calling the maids or butlers to bring in her breakfast.

"Actually, I'll just have some crackers today. I'm not very hungry," She smiled at one of the maids and I felt the frown make its way back onto my face at her words... Upon closer inspection, she didn't exactly look very healthy and that was a worrying revelation.

"You should eat a proper breakfast. You don't look well," I used the back of my hand to stroke her cheek. She raised her hand, holding onto mine and smiling a small smile at me.

"I can't," She sighed.

"And why is that?" I raised a brow.

"I just... can't," She worked to find an excuse but failed and instead, ended up giving me a pathetic answer that didn't leave me very pleased.

"Aria..." I called, stretching her name out as if I were talking to a child. She glared at me, knowing that I knew that she hated it when I did that but this time, I didn't do it to see her adorable reaction, I needed to know what was wrong with her.

"Aria. You have to-"

She cut me off.

"I'm with child,"

Gasps were heard from maids and butlers around the room. Everyone but me reacted. And it wasn't because I wasn't happy nor was it because I was sad. I was surprised.

But what else was I expecting to happen? After all that lovemaking, I should be more surprised that it took this long to happen but truth is, a child was the last thing on my mind but now that I thought about it, it wasn't that bad.

I knew for sure that she would be the only woman that I would let give birth to my children but when I made love to her, putting a child in her wasn't what was on my mind at the time.

"Are you not happy?" She asked, deflated and I realised that I had been silent for too long. It seems that it wasn't just her that was awaiting my reaction but the rest of the staff too.

So, instead of replying to her anxious self with words, I decided to use actions instead. Jumping off my chair with the largest, probably childlike grin on my face, I picked her up in my arms bridal style, twirling us around as she laughed, the sound like a sweet melodious tune.

"I am... beyond thrilled," I whispered, placing my forehead on hers. She chuckled, one arm wrapped around my neck while the other hand rested on my cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I jokingly glared at her as I waved at the workers to leave the room and give us some privacy which they quickly and silently made sure to do.

"I was planning on telling you today once you got back home. I found out yesterday and planned with Gerald on how to tell you,"

"And what did you come up with?" I smiled.

"Roses. For Ambrose," She giggled and I glared at her. "...In our bedroom," She whispered and I blinked at the added statement. This little minx!

"It won't be happening anymore," She patted my cheek.

"What? Why not?" I growled.

"Because someone had the need to force it out of me now," She smiled a fake smile and I grumbled under my breath before walking out of the room with her still in my arms.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Where do you think, flower?" I smirked, stealing a quick peck.

"But you have work," She tried changing my mind but it was far too late for that. There was no changing my mind right now, especially right now.

"Work can wait, I have more important matters to attend to right now,"


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