Chapter 45- Heart of A Saint

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"Good morning," Aria walked into the dining room with her arms stretched out above her as she yawned, dressed in a silk red nightgown having just gotten out of bed.

I would have liked to be there when she woke up, seeing as it was both of our days off today but this idiot of a brother picked this day specifically to come and bother me first thing in the morning, stating that he was bored since his husband had work today.

"Morning, sleepyhead. Long time no see," Antonio grinned at her.

"What are you doing here first thing in the morning?" She asked, giving me a morning kiss before sitting down on the chair beside me as one of the workers stepped forward to pour her a cup of tea which she had to consecutively have every morning.

"I'm bored. My hubby's at work and I ran out of things to do," He grumbled, leaning forward on the table and she narrowed her eyes at him but laughed it off, digging into her food.

"Wanna play with me today, former student and current sister-in-law?" She laughed at him but nodded her head without a beat of hesitation which had my heart fogging up with jealousy but mostly annoyance towards my brother at the fact that he was trying to get between me and my wife's alone time.

"She can't," I casually said, pouring myself another cup of coffee.

"Why not?" They both asked at the same time.

"Because..." I racked my brain for an excuse. "...She promised to help me with something today," I decided to answer vaguely, still trying to think up a better excuse.

"You did?"

"I did?" They both shared a look before turning to look at me.

"Yes... She did... Now, stop questioning me about it. I don't have to answer to a weirdo like you," I grumbled, glaring at him while simultaneously sipping on my beverage.

"Well, whatever you say. I'll just hang out in the pool while I wait for you to finish doing whatever it is that you need her to do," He waved his hand, dismissing the topic but I felt myself growing more frustrated.

"Can you not just go home? You have a pool there too," I reminded.

"I don't wanna swim by myself," He mumbled. Ugh, why was I related to such a dense fool? How in the world did he succeed in becoming a professor with that severe case of naivety? Realising that he wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon, I kicked him under the table.

"Ouch! Hey-"

"Aria, let's go. We've got work to do," I stood up, noticing that she was finished eating and held her hand as I led us out of the room while she waved at Antonio who was massaging an injured leg instead of finishing his food.

Going to our room, I helped her get changed out of her pyjamas and into a simple baby pink sundress that I remember buying for her a few weeks ago, she had been staring at it for a few seconds and I took the initiative to buy it for her, much to her protest.

After getting ready, I went to my study and started working on some documents as she sat on the couch in the room all comfortable while flicking through a Sherlock Holme's story.

"Is this what I promised to help you with?" She eventually asked.

"...Yes," I replied, typing away on the laptop before moving to scribble something down on the paper that sat on the desk beside the laptop.

She hummed, sending me a pointed look but didn't say anything and went back to reading, her face telling me that she knew I didn't want her hanging around my brother when I wasn't there. She knew I got jealous easily and I was possessive of her but she loved me despite that and I couldn't have been more thankful about it.

A Simple Man In Love (BOOK II)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora