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"Ambrose, wake up," The quiet whisper of a distant voice echoed through my head as I slowly managed to crack my eyes open, being met with the blurry face of a woman.

"Where am I?" I managed to whisper out.

"Where do you think you are? Have you not got your memories back yet? I'm sure you did," And then it all came rushing back as I heard the words of the woman.

I lived a long happy life with Aria until she passed away at the old age of 70 and I was left alone until I too died of cancer 10 years after her death. When I opened my eyes after my death, I woke up in the afterlife, regained all my memories and without a beat of hesitation, I picked heaven to be with her and our children.

And here I was.

A simple man with the woman he loves, surrounded by happiness.

"Aria..." I whispered, outstretching a hand towards her until it landed on her cheek. She smiled at me, covering my hand with hers.

"Hello, Ambrose... I missed you," She whispered.

I sat up on the grass, looking down at myself. The old body that I died in was long gone and I looked not a day older than my 30-year-old self and Aria, she looked just as beautiful as I remember. Without a second thought, I jumped forward, hugging her tightly.

She hugged back just as tightly as I nestled my head in the crook of her neck, doing my utmost best to hold the tears back but failed.

All those lifetimes and even before those lifetimes, what used to be a soul covered in the black shadows of his origin was long gone, I could finally... I was finally able to smile freely with the woman I love, my soul is in the right place with not a smidge of darkness trying to take over anymore. I wonder... This is what it must feel like to be free.

Peeking over her shoulder after hearing the rustling of grass, I was met with the shadows of three other people, all dressed in white. For a moment, I stayed hugging my wife while staring at their white shoes but eventually, I peered up.

"We were all watching over you, wondering how long it would take for you to die, we honestly thought you would have killed yourself after mother died, but I guess we were proven wrong. Our father can be quite a surprising man sometimes," A deep laugh followed the statement.

"Your... Romulus," I answered my own unasked question.

Moving away from Aria, I stood up and held her hand to help her up too and only now did I notice the white wings that were protruding out of her back. I guess what Dorian said about giving Aria her wings back so she could meet Matthias was true after all.

"Cassius... And William," I looked at each of my children, taking them all in and still waiting for reality to slap me in the face. I was really dead and in heaven right now.

"We weren't able to have children in our life but I guess there was nothing to be sad about since I already had 4 beautiful children waiting for me," Aria smiled up at me, tightening her grip in my hand and I squeezed back.

I was in heaven. Did I finally deserve it?

After everything I did to her? 

"Yes... You deserve it," At the new voice,  I turned to be met with the figure of Mathias smiling warmly at me, Dorian stood beside him with a bigger grin. "...Judging by your face, I'm guessing you were thinking something along those lines," He added.

"You've made mistakes in your life but everyone has, both mortals and heavenly creatures, we've all made mistakes and we've either made up for it or we've continued to make mistakes... You deserve to be in heaven now. You struggled, you fought with your own mind, you travelled worlds to find her, you scrutinised yourself, you hated your soul but you've learnt to accept it and not just accept it, you've learnt to love it," Dorian stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"You deserve to be here. And you've worked hard to get here... Well done,"

A crack of a smile broke out onto my face at his words.

"Yes, I love myself now... but it wasn't all done alone," I turned to look at Aria and leaned down to kiss her forehead, keeping my lips there for some time before finally pulling away and smiling down at her beautiful self.

"Thank you," I whispered. I'd be burning away if it wasn't for her, I'd be an empty soul with no meaning to even exist.

But I was here, with a real smile on my face and surrounded by people who really loved me for all of me. My children, my friends and my wife.

It doesn't matter if I'm a complicated man or a simple man because one thing was as clear as day right now. Thanks to all these people, thanks to my beloved wife, my Aria...

I was just a man in love.

And I was happy.



And with a heavy heart, I bid farewell to my journey with this book. Thank you for reading 'A Simple Man In Love' and I hope you enjoyed it.

This book, as well as the rest of the books from this series, is available to buy on Amazon as a paperback. So, if you loved this series and wish to support me then feel free to buy it.

 So, if you loved this series and wish to support me then feel free to buy it

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