Chapter 31

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The door opened to reveal a man in his late 50s.
The man was as tall as Mr. Martínez. He was wearing a casual outfit.

“Ah! Son” the old man leaned in for a hug.

“Hey, Dad.”

Mr. Martínez’s father turned to me, his specs placed on the bridge of his nose, “And who is this beautiful lady with you?”

I took a gulp, my throat getting drier,

“H-Hello M-My name is A-April.”

“Ah! It’s so good to finally meet you come on in.”

We walked inside a spacious living room.

A woman who probably is Mr.Martínez’s mother is seated on the couch with David next to him.

She looked up as we walked in.

“Son, oh it’s so good to see you, how are you?”

As Mr.Martínez catches up with his family I continued to motivate myself to stay calm.

His mother turned to me

“You must be April?” her warm smile calmed me a little.

I took a gulp.

“H-Hello Mrs. Martínez.” her smile widened.

The next few hours went by his parents telling me stories of Mr. Martínez and asking about myself.

Though I was intimidated by his family the smile on their faces slowly started to calm my nerves.

Mr. Martínez held my hand securely engulfed in his the entire conversation until his mother came up to me
“Let the men talk about their business and office and we have a little talk of our own, just the ladies?”

I followed his mother to the kitchen.
We sat down sipping soft drinks and talking about this and that.

“oh my, I almost forgot, I tend to forget things you see I am getting older.” Mrs. Martínez stood up.
I followed her to the counter.

“Can I h-help you with anything?”

“Oh Thank you dear but I am almost done.”

“This is one of Dimitri’s favorite.” She passed me a warm smile finishing off the icing on the cake.”

Happy Birthday

“My son….. he.. he loves you, I hope you know that.” she looked up to me with purity glistening in her eyes.

“I’ll just put this on the table and be right back.”

I stood there leaning at the counter.

Mrs. Martínez’s words lingering in my ears.

But does he?
Maybe he does, but for how long?
How long will it last before he realizes that it wasn’t love?
Before he realizes that he has stopped loving?
Maybe not too long.

The thought erupted a roaring thunder inside of me.
I know it will end soon, I could feel the dark clouds approaching, getting ready to pour down soon, there is no way I can stop the approaching storm but my heart wasn’t ready to drench yet.

A warm hug from the back shook my thoughts.

“what are you thinking?”

I turned around to face him.

“M-Mr. Martínez y-you…..” he pressed his finger on my lip.

“Dimitri it’s Dimitri for you.”

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