Comenzar desde el principio

Isn't it lovely, all alone?

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone

Tear me to pieces, skin and bone

Hello, welcome home


Mamoru violently scooted away from the loud shriek, ripping the earbuds from his ears accidently. "C-Can I help you?" He cursed himself for stuttering.

Blond. The first thing he thought was Kise, but the shade of hair was wrong. The second thing he registered was that this individual was quite short and he was too close to his face.

"You!" He whispered excitedly. "You were singing Lovely by Billie Eilish in perfect English!"

More out of panic, he shoved the individual away from his face and stood up, brushing grass stalks from his pants. "English is my native language," Mamoru explained.

"Oh, I did detect an accent in your Japanese, but I kind of thought you were from a different area in Japan," he admitted, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly as he stood up.

"You have an accent too," Mamoru realized. "Are you-"

"I'm born in Japan, but I grew up with English because my mom's from America," he explained, bouncing in his spot.

"Hey, you have a really nice voice. Wanna join a singing group??"

Mamoru stepped back when he thrust himself in his face. Hands up, he gingerly pushed him away by his forehead. "I'm sorry, but I don't even know your name..."

"Oh, I'm Sakamoto Yori, but call me Yori because I'm never used to people calling me by my last name." He was so close, he could see Yori's blue eyes were blown wide like he was hyped up on caffeine.

"I don't sing," he muttered. Mamoru was taken aback by the set frown Yori had switched to.

"That's bullshit."

He almost dropped his mouth at the foul language he spat out. Yori seemed to be able to change personalities like the flip of a switch. "Pardon?"

"You do sing," Yori insisted. "I literally just listened to you sing Lovely. Come on, did you take a class or something? Don't be shy, tell me."

Mamoru shook his head, setting his earbuds and iPod safely in his pocket. "It was just a noise."

Or at least that's what he thought. In truth, he couldn't hear himself over the level of volume he'd set the music at.

"Are you kidding me?" Yori recoiled in disbelief, looking surprised. "You've never taken a class? You have such a beautiful voice, I'm offended."

"Thank you?" Mamoru was thoroughly confused. Was it a compliment or was he genuinely disgusted?

"We've been looking for people with your kind of voice though," he added, looking thoughtful.

We? Was he one of those gang members in disguise looking for a certain person? Was he going to be kidnapped?

"Oh, don't worry, I'm a Teiko student too," Yori added matter-of-factly. "I always see you with your Generation of Miracle buddies." Mamoru's face soured. "I'm always with the music club."

"How would you feel being a part of an online singing group?" He asked exuberantly. "Please! You have an amazing voice! And you're fluent in English!"

A spark of interest lit his brain. Maybe this could be an escape. After all, he did like music. Still, he'd have to be careful. "Do you have contact information?" He asked warily.

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