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They stood outside.

The setting sun was touching the horizon now, a wash of red hues painting their features. Mamoru stood by Sugawara and Yaku, having deemed them relatively quiet and sane enough.

"'Til we meet again, my friend," Yamamoto and Tanaka cried, shaking hands with tears in their eyes. They acted like they were being separated on a perilous mission.

Daichi approached Kuroo with a friendly smile, Kuroo reciprocating it.

But when they shook hands...Mamoru shivered. What was with those menacing auras? Were they trying to wring each other's wrists?

Yaku and Sugawara voiced his thoughts, exclaiming "Terrifying!" under their breath. Even the coaches were practically spitting fire in each others' faces.

"Ah." Mamoru looked around. This would probably be a good time to ask about Glitch Hunt. He almost forgot.

He approached Daichi and Kuroo uneasily. Daichi immediately released Kuroo's hand, trying not to scare his kouhai.

"I'm sorry, but can I ask you a question, Kuroo-san?" Mamoru asked quietly. When he nodded, Mamoru continued. "I don't suppose you or your friends play Glitch Hunt, by any chance?"

Kuroo gave him a surprised look, like he wasn't expecting him of all people to ask. Fair enough, as Mamoru didn't really play games. So he explained, "I'm asking for someone."

"What's their username?" Kenma appeared by his side, looking unusually interested. He tilted his head, bangs framing his face nicely.


Kenma blinked, eyes widening.

He had pretty eyes too, Mamoru noted. Golden eyes with narrow pupils.

"I'm applepi," Kenma explained, a little lilt of excitement seeping in his tone.

"Ah, what a coincidence." Mamoru couldn't believe it. There was literally one millionth of a chance he would meet "applepi" today and here he was.

Maiko would have a field day with this.

"Can...Can I have your number?" Kenma asked, fiddling with his volleyball jacket. He ducked his head shyly. "To contact MaiSwan?"


Ignoring both captains' shocked faces, the two of them switched numbers, agreeing to keep in touch.

Kuroo slung an arm around Mamoru, leaning his face close to Mamoru with a disappointed pout. "Mamoru, won't you give me your number too?"

"Sure," Mamoru said, confused on why he would want his number. Kuroo grinned delightly as they switched numbers, sticking his tongue out at Daichi secretly.

Daichi seethed at the provocative captain. None of Karasuno had his number yet.

"Me too!"

A weight crashed on his back and quickly, his arms flew behind his back, holding on to the person's thighs securely. Mari wrapped her arms around his neck loosely and grinned, dangling her phone in front of his face.

"Now that you're part of the group, gotta keep in touch, partner."

A lot of people were asking all of a sudden. Mamoru switched numbers with what seemed like everybody. He was confused why everyone wanted his number, but he didn't see anything wrong with it. It seemed like they would keep in touch anyways, judging by the way their coaches were going at it.

Later that night, Mamoru knocked on Maiko's door, admitting he'd found the applepi she'd been looking for.

"Wait, really?" Maiko forced herself to a sitting position, taking the earbuds from her ears. "You're not serious."

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