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At the amount of times they were forced to run up the hill, even Mamoru was beginning to tire.

The sun begins to set, indicating the close ending of practice. Karasuno's energy, which Mamoru thought was endless, had been depleted. Except for one.

"Ah, this is rough," Sugawara groanes, stretching his arms. He had a nasty floor burn on his forearm from the floor. Mamoru nods his head, padding in between him and the libero.

"I can still do at least ten more!" Nishinoya announces, though he was sounding sort of haggard. His energy was noted and appreciated, though.

"How about we win instead," Sugawara points out wearily as they approach the gym. Yachi and Kiyoko hand out water bottles and towels, looking slightly sympathetic. Mamoru thanks Kiyoko for his, toweling the sweat off his forehead before it could run into his eyes. He walks past Yamaguchi, Asahi, and Tsukishima for the fountain, but stops just around the corner.

"If you're not too careful, he might get too focused and end up biting you again."

Who? Against his better judgment, Mamoru stills and listens in. No one is around, but it makes him feel a little chagrined to be eavesdropping so blatantly.

"Uh? Oh, you mean when we collided with each other going for a spike."

Ah, so they were talking about Hinata. Well, he couldn't not agree Hinata had ambition.

"We're in the same boat," Asahi chuckles. "Our position makes us rivals, so we probably notice more than everyone else how much he's grown from the baby bird he used to be."

There's the sound of grass softly being stepped on and Mamoru panics for a quick second, thinking Asahi is turning about the corner. He relaxes when he realizes the ace is just walking back to the gym. "I don't plan on losing to him, though."

The words parallel Teiko in regards to ambition. Only one person can be the ace on a team (did that apply to the Generation of Miracles?), newcomer or senior. Mamoru had been scared that someone might stage an uprising, but there's a little bit of surprise to Asahi's words. There wasn't worry or anger in his tone, just a healthy dose of confidence and determination.

Perhaps this was what was missing. This is the kind of team he was looking for.

The next day, practice begins anew and efforts were refreshed. Whether it was to avoid running up and down that godforsaken hill or determination to finally win, it was probably both.

"Got it!"

"Got it!"

Mamoru registers Nishinoya's shout at the same time he slams into the smaller boy. They both take a tumble to the ground, but the ball is saved. They both pick themselves up from the ground quickly, both murmuring a quick apology.

Perhaps it was just his imagination, but he felt they were functioning better. With only a few hiccups, they bring the scores closer together this time. Of course, they still lose, but it was the effort that counted.

They don't win any games that day, not unlike the day before, but the energy between players feels slightly different. When night falls and their gym has been cleaned (they leave the nets up since they come back the next day), they take off in different directions.

Mamoru stands in place, staring out of the gym door. Daichi bumps against his shoulder gently, playfully. "What're you staring at?"

"It's a full moon," he says absently. He draws his attention away from the sky and towards the captain. "Did you need something?"

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