"Her first?" I couldn't help but mutter, not that it surprised me.

"Yeah, Eliza has never been the one for parties and drinking," Daphne explained, relaxing into her bed.

"We are bad influences," Theo stood by the window, playing with a yo-yo in his hands.

"That poor girl has no idea what we have in store for her if she keeps hanging out with us," Blaise chucked.

"Is she going to keep hanging out with us?" Adrian asked and I glared at him again.

"You're unbelievable, Pucey," Theo sighed.

"She's too good for you, Adrian," Daphne shook her head.

Damn right.

Adrian leant forward to protest, "Why are you lot always shitting on me—?"

The bathroom door opened and the room feel so silent a pin could be heard, crashing to the floor.

Eliza stood in the doorway, the steam from the shower soldering around her as she looked down, tucking the top of her towel around her chest. A towel which was way too small that if she turned around, the bottom of her arse would definitely be on show. And she held her towel right that, she was pushing up her breasts. I couldn't look away.

"Daph, can you pass me some clothes—fuck—"

The second she looked up and realised we were all staring at her, she cursed to herself and threw her body around the door and it slammed shut.

"Shit," Daphne stood up from her bed and gathered some of Eliza's clothes and I suddenly felt bad for looking so long. I looked at Adrian who was still staring at the door with an open mouth.

Daphne knocked on the door and it opened slightly. Blaise and Theo turned their backs and so did I. But Adrian, his gaze still lingered.

"Look away, Pucey before I rip out your eyes," I warned.


There's no way they all just saw me in my towel. A towel that was far too small for me. I didn't expect them all to be there. Why were they there? Fuck. I felt so embarrassed and stupid. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down but I felt like searching for a spell to turn back time.

I heard a knock on the door and I slowly opened the door, Daphne stepped in and handed me a pile of clothes. I looked out of the gap and only saw the back of their heads but I still felt so embarrassed.

"Thank you," I sighed, "I can't believe I just did that."

Daphne placed a hand on my arm, "don't worry. They may seem like they're not, but they're respectful boys. They won't make a bog deal about it. Honestly, Eliza, don't worry."

She probably thought I was being dramatic but no on has ever seen me like that before. And I felt so exposed.

"I'll tell them to leave," she smiled and then left me alone to get changed.

I nodded and was thankful she was my roommate. What would I do without her?


Daphne and I walked alone to the great hall and she did such a good job at making me feel better. She made me laugh as we talked about the party last night and it wasn't until I saw Draco in the great hall that I remembered what I did.

I kissed him.

As in I made the first move and kissed him. And I liked it. I felt butterflies in my belly as we approached the table and I wondered if anyone saw us, if anyone knew that I kisses Draco Malfoy.

"Hey," Daphne greeted and Blaise and Theo waved.

I smiled as I sat beside Daphne and locked eyes with Draco. My smile faded but not out of spite or hatred. No, I don't know what it meant. But it meant something.

"How are you feeling, Eliza?" Blaise asked.

I turned away from Draco, breaking the eye contact, "my head hurts," I sighed but laughed about it.

"Drink plenty of water," Theo offered, passing me the jug of water. I muttered thanks, taking the jug and pouring myself a glass.

The rest of the breakfast felt good. I no longer felt embarrassed and it was like them, seeing me in a towel never happened. Not once did they mention it and I was glad for it. Draco and I just kept meeting eyes and a part of me wanted to just give in to all my urges and kiss him again.

Draco is they type to have hookups or whatever you call them. But that's not what I want and I refuse to have that with anyone. I want something more. Something like the love you read about in romance novels. Something meaningful. Something that makes your heart completely melt.

And I knew I wouldn't find that with Draco.


I decided that I wanted to be alone for the rest of the day, like I used too. And I couldn't think of anything better than a "hangover cure" than burying myself into a book for the rest of the afternoon. So, I left Daphne after spending the majority of the day with her and made my way to the library.

And as I made my way through the mazes of corridors of Hogwarts I enjoyed the peace that came with being alone.

But then I rounded a corner and bumped into a broad chest. I stepped back, but hands where on my lower back. I looked up and—

"You really should start watching where you're going," Draco seethed and then a tiny smirk crept onto his all-too-perfect lips.

The corridor was dim and completely alone. It only made this whole interaction more nerve racking.

"I'm sorry," I didn't know what else to say and I had to say something so I stopped looking at his lips.

"Don't be," he said.

His eyes lowered to my lips and then back to my eyes. I straightened and his hands were still on my back. This is bad. This is really bad. He shouldn't be making me feel this way but Jesus, the way he looks at me makes me weak in my knees.

"You kissed me last night," Draco said, his voice slow and deep like I was simply just pointing it out.

My eyes grew wide, "Did I?" Maybe I could pretend that I forgot, but I feared my blushed cheeks were giving me away.

"Mhm-hmm," he hummed.

"I was pretty drunk," I mumbled, "sorry."

He grinned again and his grip on my back tightened, tugging me closer to his body, "Don't apologise," he leant forward, closer to my mouth and I thought he was going to kiss me, but his breath was warm against my neck as he whispered, "I liked it."

The smallest of gasps came out of my mouth as he let go of my back and walked away. His cologne still lingering and his breath was still warm on my skin. By the time I realised what he had said, I turned but he was gone.


Copyright © Kirsten Enn

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