Chapter 26 | First Date

Start from the beginning

Sophie turned bright red and began to fidget with the jewels. She accidentally pulled one off, but dropped it casually behind her back before anyone could notice. She watched Keefe, who finally met her eyes and continued to stare. She turned even redder.

"Uh... Biana helped. I told her not to, but-"

"No, no." He cut her off, pushing off the wall and walking towards her. "You look amazing. It's perfect. You're perfect." He started to stutter. "I mean- you're beautiful, Sophie. I mean, you're always beautiful, not just in this dress- but the dress is beautiful-"

Sophie smiled, and he quit talking and started staring again. "You don't look so bad yourself," she grinned. Just then, Sophie realized what was bothering her. "Is that supposed to be a tux?"

"Uh... I don't know. There was this weird little shop that sold human clothes, and..." He trailed off again, locking his eyes on hers, his breath catching.

"I love it. And I love that you cared enough to find it." She stepped closer to him. He looked nervous, and noticeably didn't touch her. "It's just a dress, Keefe."

"Yeah, but..." Sophie lightly pressed a finger to his lips. He flushed and stared for a minute before shaking his head slightly and sweeping her a ridiculously formal bow. "I would be honored if the beautiful, powerful, and mysterious Lady Sophie Foster would join me for dinner."

Sophie placed a hand on his arm and tried to look regal. "The honor is mine, Lord Hunkyhair."

Keefe led her inside, stopping to give their name to the maitre'd. Apparently, he had reserved ahead as the Mysterious Miss F and her 'dashing sidekick.' Sophie tried to hold in a giggle- and failed.

The table the waitress took them to was completely over-the-top fancy, but it was very special. Sophie tried to act appropriately, but her human parents hadn't been big on elegant dinners and Sophie was sure she was messing up a thousand etiquette rules. But Keefe didn't seem to notice, so she relaxed.

Keefe stared at the gold leaf engraved menus before stage-whispering to her, "Can you read this?"

"Not a chance," she whispered back. She held the menu up to her face and squinted at it until the waitress brought them water with fruit on the rim. Keefe promptly popped his into his mouth.

"I don't think you're supposed to eat that, Keefe," Sophie giggled.


They finally deciphered enough of the menu to order, and told the waitress what they wanted. It came almost instantly, and it was the fanciest meal Sophie had ever seen- let alone eaten. It came on a huge lacy plate with hand painted designs. The tiny pieces of perfectly grilled vegetables were spaced evenly with colorful bunches of leaves and fruits in between them. They both stared for a minute, afraid to touch it. Eventually, Sophie broke the silence.

"It looks too pretty to eat."

Keefe shrugged. "Nah." His hand hovered for a moment over the five forks next to his plate, but he eventually grabbed one and speared some food on it. Then he held it up to her. She leaned forward and opened her mouth, and he carefully set the food in it. She chewed, then smiled.

"It's actually pretty good." Sophisticated, but not bad.

"Cool." Keefe tried his own bite.

There was less food than there seemed, and they finished it quickly. Sophie was wishing she'd had a snack before she came.

When they were done, Keefe paid with his birth fund and led her out the door.

"Thanks for dinner, Keefe. This was a great first date. I hate that it's over so soon," Sophie said wistfully.

Keefe grinned at her with a funny look on his face. "Who said it's over?"


Sophie curled tighter against Keefe, barely noticing the hard rock on her back. She laid her head on his chest and looked up at the stars. It had been an amazing first date. Sophie had loved showing him around a human party, and even though it had made her a little sad to remember the songs her dad used to listen to... it had actually helped to talk about it and laugh again.

"Thank you for the date. It was amazing." she murmured.

"No, thank you. I'm the luckiest guy alive to have a girl like you."

"Mhh." Sophie still didn't know quite what to do with the words- and she really didn't want to cry again and spoil this perfect evening. So she stayed silent until she thought of something light to say. "By the way, that bead you left me was kind of boring. But I guess you've spoiled me with your tiny masterpieces."

"Actually..." Keefe shifted, and she sat up as he faced her. They locked eyes. "Foster. Lady Fosboss. Mysterious Miss F. Sophie. I am so lucky to be able to call you my girlfriend. I hope we can stay like this forever. And to show you how much I love you..." Sophie's breath caught as his hand slid into his pocket. "Close your eyes."

She did, her heart pulsing as he took her hand gently and slid something onto her wrist. Then she felt his lips on the back of her hand, kissing it lightly. "You can open them now."

Sophie's eyes immediately found the bracelet. It was made up of about twenty beautiful beads, all painted exquisitely. She held it to the moonlight and turned her wrist slowly, gasping. Tears sprang to her eyes as she recognised her human parents, Amy, Grady and Edaline, her friends, and even a few of Keefe. But most were of her.

"Keefe... I don't know what to say. This is perfect. My family... I can't believe you remembered them that well. And you painted them in my house! And me in my room, and Amy with Marty and Watson!" She looked up, tears really running down her face now. Her makeup was probably starting to smear, but she didn't care. Keefe scooted back close to her, holding her like before.

"This is the best present I can think of. I can look at my wrist and remember so much. I can remember my old life, my new life... and this life." She tilted her head up to look at the beautiful talented boy she still couldn't believe was here with her. "Not that I could ever forget you."

Keefe pulled her in and kissed her softly. She kissed him back, her hands in his hair.

After a minute, Keefe pulled back. "And that," he whispered. "Is the best present you could have given me."

"Mine is easier." She pulled him back down into another long kiss.

Sophie didn't remember pulling away, and she was pretty sure Keefe hadn't, but the next thing she knew they were both staring at the stars.

"I should probably take you home if we ever want to be allowed on another date."

Sophie just nodded, slightly disappointed, and they crawled out back down the rocks. When they got to the bottom, Keefe looked at her. She realized her dress was wrinkled and her makeup was smudged. "I don't suppose you can change without them seeing you. I didn't bring you home in the best condition."

"It's fine. I'll tell them we sat on the rocks."

"And the tears?"

In answer, she held out her wrist. Keefe smiled gently, taking her hand in his, and led her back to the house. Before she went inside, he pulled her into one last kiss and opened the door for her. She whispered another thank you for the date before slipping inside and closing the door, where she walked in a daze up to her room.

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