Chapter 9 | Kelpies at Sunrise

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Sophie dreamt of alicorns, and Keefe, and custard bursts. So many custard bursts.

Suddenly, she felt something new- the sensation of warm lips pressing against hers. Sophie dreamed for a moment longer, kissing the lips back, before she realized- they weren't part of her dream!

Sophie jolted awake, bumping into Keefe, who had been leaning over her a moment before.

"Keeeeeeefe go back to sleeeeeeep," Sophie groaned, blinking.

"Eh, who needs sleep?" he whispered above her.

"Someone who's been woken up in the middle of the night for two nights straight." she groaned again and flopped back down, rolling over.

He laughed and flipped her back over. "You gotta admit- that's a pretty good way to be woken up."

"Maybe. But I'd prefer it in the morning."

"It is morning. C'mon, where's your sense of adventure?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? We're going to watch the kelpies at sunrise." And with that, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her sleeping bag and to her feet.

Sophie blinked for a moment, unsteady and disoriented. "Kelpies? Sunrise? Huh?"

Keefe laughed quietly and kissed her again. "Shh, you'll wake up Dex and Biana."

Sophie started to stretch quietly, then realized- she was still in her clothes from yesterday! She whispered to Keefe that she was going to change and it would only take two seconds. Then she grabbed her change of clothes from her bag and ducked into the bathroom, amid Keefe's whispered protests that she looked fine.

While she was in there, she splashed some water on her face and brushed her hair, pulling it back into a twisty ponytail. If she was going to be hiking, she needed a hairstyle to match.

She emerged, and found Keefe pacing impatiently. When he saw her, he paused a moment, looked her up and down, and grabbed her hand. Then he pulled her outside and shut the door behind them.

"You didn't need to change, Sophie. You looked fine." He glanced at his watch. "We have to hurry."

Sophie was a little hurt. "I'm sorry, Keefe. I'd just been wearing those clothes for a day and a half straight, and-"
He cut her off, stopping in his tracks and turning to her and taking her other hand. "No, I'm sorry, Sophie. I just want to make sure we get there before sunrise. You look.. awesome."

She blushed. "Thanks. I didn't have much time."

"Sorry." And he started walking briskly to his left with Sophie in tow.

After nearly running for several minutes to keep up with his long legs, Sophie ventured a question.

"So... what exactly are we doing?"

"Remember when Biana said that thing about watching the kelpies come in across this mountain? Fitz told me about it. Well, I did a little research, and it's today. So here we go!"

Sophie was stuck on one thing he'd said. "Across the mountain?"

"Yep. But don't worry, it's only a couple miles-" he reached over and caught her by the shoulders. She had tripped over a root- to be fair, it was still practically pitch black.

"You good there, Foster?" Keefe smirked. "Oh- I forgot, here's some light." and he paused to dig through his pockets. "It's here somewhere... here." He pulled out a blue balefire pendant and shook it. It cast a soft glow at their feet, just enough to see the tree roots.

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