Chapter 30 | Stupid

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I barely made it three steps towards the Healing Center before a hand caught my shoulder.

"Keefe, what on earth just happened?"

I winced. "Sorry, I meant to hail you before school. Biana called me this morning and told me that Fitz dumped Marella and is- well, was- dating Maruca. I called him out and he went haywire. He tried to attack Biana last night too. It's bad."

She gaped at me. "Fitz is attacking people?"

"Well... yeah."

She sighed and turned away a little, her mood plummeting.

"Hey, it's okay. Who cares what he does?" I pulled her into a hug. She looked up after a minute.

"Did Biana say anything else?"

"Like what?"

"Like... about... Dex?" She winked meaningfully.

"No!" Oh man, that's awesome. "For real?"

"She hasn't made it official... but they've kissed."

"Have they? Interesting..." I let my gaze shift to her lips, and she laughed.

"Yes, they have. And it's adorable."

"Indeed. But they aren't the only ones who-"

"Shut up." She giggled and reached up to my hair. I caught her hand and pressed her soft fingers to my lips. "No kisses for you until you've gotten your face treated."

"But won't you kiss it to make it all better?" I leaned down.

She laughed and stood on her tiptoes to lightly kiss my forehead. Then my swollen eye. Then my cheek. I cupped her face in my hands and turned my head so that her next kiss landed on my lips. I kissed her back and tangled my fingers in her hair. She smiled against my lips before kissing me again, for real this time.

As we kissed, her fingers brushed lightly over my bruise. It didn't hurt a bit, just tingled and made it very hard to think straight. Or maybe that was the kiss. Either way, I wasn't about to pull away.

She did eventually, then poked me when I smirked. "That's over, Keefe."

"Is it? I rather enjoy your competitive streak."

"I'm sure you do." She stuck her tongue out at me.

I sighed and clucked my tongue in fake disapproval. "Such a quitter."

"You can't bait me, Keefe."

"Coward." We locked eyes.

She spoke next in a soft whisper. "You don't have to make up a game, Keefe."

"See, but it's so much more fun that way," I countered in a whisper.

She frowned slightly and I realized what I'd said. "No, that's not what I meant. You're right, I don't have to make up a game. It's just as fun to kiss you without."

Her smile didn't return. "Why is everything a game for you?"

I panicked a little. "I'm sorry Foster, I didn't mean to. I told you- that's just how I deal. But I don't have to. With you I don't have to. I swear, this isn't a game to me."

She nodded then looked at my bruise. "You should get to the Healing Center."

"Aren't you coming with me?" I fake pouted. She didn't smile.

"I have to get to class. See you later." And she walked away without looking back.


I stared after her for several minutes. What the T-Rex just happened? Is she mad at me? It seemed like she was- but why? Because of the joke?

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