Chapter 8 | Base Quest & Breakups

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Sophie laughed as Dex, Keefe, and Biana argued over the teams for their game of base quest at Rimeshire. Fitz was hanging back, only looking up to glance at Sophie or Keefe every few minutes. Sophie tried not to look at him.

They eventually decided on Biana and Keefe on one team, and Dex, Fitz, and Sophie on the other- no abilities allowed. As they scattered to find their bases, Dex told Sophie she could guard their base while he and Fitz quested. Sophie was grateful. Keefe had indeed come to starbottle with her last night- at 2am- and she was exhausted. Happy, but not quite up to running around the woods. Dex must have sensed that, and gave her the easy- if slightly boring- job.

Sophie stood near their base, scanning the woods for Biana or Keefe. Nothing happened for a long time, and Sophie started to relax. Then, suddenly, arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind, and Keefe said, "Miss me?"

Sophie laughed, and tried to step out of his arms, but he held tighter and leaned on her back. Eventually she twisted free and turned around.

"You realize I could tag you out right now, right?" she asked playfully.

"You could. But you won't."

"Won't I?"

"Nah. You love me too much." He replied, grinning.

Sophie reached up and poked his nose gently. "I do love you. But that doesn't mean I won't tag you out."

He laughed and stepped closer. "I knew you would do it."

"I know." And Sophie stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him, then pulled back. "Um, you do realize we're on opposite teams, right? You're out now."

"Doesn't matter." He kissed her, then pointed at their base, which was now taken by a triumphant Biana.

Sophie turned to Keefe. "Keefe! Did you-"

"Distract you so Biana could take your base? Yes. Yes I did." He finished playfully.

Sophie punched him on the shoulder. "That's not fair!"

"No. Not really. But it worked out pretty well for you." he said, kissing her.

"I think it worked out better for you," Sophie laughed.

"Mmh, maybe." he admitted, kissing her a third time.

They heard noises in the woods, and quickly separated. Dex and Fitz trudged back towards them, defeated. "What happened?" Dex asked.

"He distracted me." Sophie returned, pointing at Keefe.

"How?" Fitz asked bluntly.

Sophie wavered. "Uh... what do you mean?"

"How did he distract you?"

"You do know how easy it is to make her mad, don't you?" Keefe cut in.

Fitz looked back and forth between them, unconvinced. "Fine. Let's quit, I'm done."

"I'm not done," retorted Biana. You can go ahead in if you want, but I'm playing again. That is..." she continued, looking at the others. "If you guys want to."

"Sure, I'm up for another round," grinned Dex.

"Great! Teams are me and Dex against Sophie and Keefe. No abilities. Let's go!"

Sophie and Keefe ran off into the woods, laughing. "You know she stuck us together so that we would distract each other and their quest would be easy, right?" Sophie giggled.

"Yeah. But I can keep an eye out for her or Dex, even if I am kissing you," he said, giving her a quick kiss to prove his point.

"You can not," Sophie retorted.

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