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A/N I typed it out yesterday. Love ya guys!

Sophie closed her eyes, letting the warm sun and crashing waves soothe her to sleep. The cool, salty breeze kept her from getting too hot, and the sand beneath her towel cradled her body perfectly.

She sighed deeply, wondering if there was any more perfect place for a honeymoon. She wasn't even exactly sure where they were, just that Keefe had picked it out and enlisted Dex's help to somehow reserve a cruise. The cruise had been amazing, all pools and deck chairs and fancy service.

But the beach was the real highlight of the trip. It was one of those beaches that you saw pictures of but never quite believed could be real. It had perfectly clear water, light fluffy sand, perfect palm trees, and a coral reef just offshore. They had gone scuba diving yesterday, and Sophie had reached out and touched a beautiful sea turtle. It had been amazing.

Sophie must have dozed off in the sun, because the next thing she knew she was blinking in the sun, which was part of the way down in the sky. She guessed it was maybe three in the afternoon, and the air had turned from hot to sweltering.

Keefe grinned down at her, standing at the edge of her towel. "You're bright red."

She glared at him. "You didn't wake me up?"

He shrugged. "You seemed happy."

Sophie stood up, then shook out and folded her towel. She draped it over her arm and took Keefe's hand. "I was happy. But right now, I would be even happier to get out of the sun for a bit."

Keefe agreed, and they walked up the wooden boardwalk to their small hotel villa. Sophie dug through the pockets of her sundress until she found the key, then opened the door.

The villa was small, but private and well-furnished. It had two bedrooms, a small kitchen, and a common room.

Sophie dropped off her bag, then changed into jean shorts and a tank top, with a wide-brimmed straw hat. They had taken an extensive shopping trip for human clothes before the honeymoon.

When she was dressed, Sophie found Keefe snacking on some Oreos in the kitchen. She gave him a look, and he hid them behind his back. Sophie sighed, then grinned mischievously. "Go change. "We're taking a walk down the boardwalk."

"What for?" he asked.

She gave him another look. "Because were at the beach, and there's a cute little town half a mile away. We could get some souvenirs."

*** A Couple Hours Later ***

Sophie quickly turned her ice cream cone, catching the drips right before they fell onto her hand.

They were sitting on a bench, right outside an adorable old-fashioned ice cream shop. Sophie had picked a simple vanilla with sprinkles, but Keefe had at least three crazy flavors stacked high on a chocolate-dipped cone, toppings spilling everywhere. He was holding a hand under the cone to catch everything that fell.

Sophie leaned her head on his shoulder and licked the last of the sprinkles off her ice cream. He had teased her about her 'boring' choice, but there was something about the classic that just couldn't be beat.

The rest of the day was a blur of pools and gift shops and collecting seashells. As the sun was setting, Sophie found herself curled up against Keefe on the porch couch. She looked up at the bright red sky, and let out a content sigh. "Best honeymoon ever," she whispered.

Keefe stroked her hair. "Next time, we'll try the mountains."

She looked up at him. "Next time?"

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