Chapter 27 | Keefe

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A/N 4.3K. HOW?!

I grinned as I got dressed in my uniform. Good thing the sunrise had woken me up at Foster's house, or I might have been late to school. I had accidentally fallen asleep on those rocks in front of the ocean. When I woke up, I'd leaped home before anyone noticed I wasn't in my bed. Well, anyone but Ro, but she knew I'd been on a date.

Ah, the date. I let out a sigh as I remembered last night. A pretty good first date, if you ask me. I checked my watch. Had to hurry if I wanted to get to school before Foster did.


Finally, I saw her step out of the Leapmaster. She was nearly ten minutes late. She scanned the crowd and saw me immediately. We locked eyes, and she grinned.

Wait up, she mouthed. I nodded. She hurried through the crowd of prodigies to where I was standing.

"Sorry I'm late, I overslept."

"I really have been disturbing your sleep schedule. Do you want me to apologize?"

"If you do I'll kick you. I've loved it more than you have."

"I highly doubt that." I pulled her into a kiss. Eventually, she pulled away. "See? Have you noticed that it's usually you who pulls away first?"

She made a face at me. Then she grabbed a handful of my shirt and pulled me down into a long kiss. I kissed her back, and neither of us pulled away. Eventually, a voice boomed around us.

"Miss Foster! Mister Sencen! Please go to your classes!" Neither of us even looked up at the voice- Foster because she was being stubborn, and me because... well, I just wanted to kiss her.

"That's detention for both of you!" shrilled the voice.

I waved her off with one hand, pulling Sophie closer with the other and kissing her some more.

The woman harrumphed. I grinned against Sophie's lips.

"A week of detention! Two weeks! Do you want a month of detention?"

I pulled back just enough to say, "Sure," then started to kiss her again.

But she turned her head. "I win." She grinned and skipped off to her class, leaving me alone and still lightheaded from her kiss, with a very flustered Lady Alexine.

I smirked at her. "Two weeks? See you there." Then I walked down the hall in the opposite direction from any of my classes.


See, over the years, I have developed a talent for sleeping through the bells that signal the end of classes, but waking up for the lunch bell. So I conked out on some random chair until lunchtime, when I stood up. I stopped quickly in the bathroom before hurrying into the cafeteria.

I got to the door right as Foster did. I smirked at her. "Not cool, leaving me hanging like that."

"You pulled away first," she retorted.

"Nah, I wouldn't call that pulling away. Just not touching your lips at that second."

"Same difference."


"Yeah right." She tossed her hair and walked past me into the lunch room. I stared for a minute before hurrying after her.

She stopped so suddenly I nearly ran into her. Then I saw her flushed face and followed her gaze to our table. And... I was getting really tired of walking in on Fitz kissing some girl.

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